← Awesome TypeScript -= Awesome Elasticsearch =-
- Elasticsearch official website
- Logstash is a data pipeline that helps you process logs and other event data from a variety of systems
- Kibana is a data analysis tool that helps to visualize your data
- Yelp/elastalert is a modular flexible rules based alerting system written in Python
- exceptionless/Exceptionless is an error (exceptions) collecting and reporting server with client bindings for a various programming languages
- searchkit/searchkit is a UI framework based on React to build awesome search experiences with Elasticsearch
- Sense (from Elastic) A JSON aware developer console to ElasticSearch; official and very powerful
- Sense (Google Chrome extension) A JSON aware developer console to ElasticSearch; unofficial but very powerful
- ES-mode An Emacs major mode for interacting with Elasticsearch (similar to Sense)
- Knapsack plugin is an "swiss knife" export/import plugin for Elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch-Exporter is a command line script to import/export data from ElasticSearch to various other storage systems
- esbulk Parallel elasticsearch bulk indexing utility for the command line.
- elasticdump - tools for moving and saving indicies
- sscarduzio/elasticsearch-readonlyrest-plugin Safely expose Elasticsearch REST API directly to the public
- mobz/elasticsearch-head is a powerful and essential plugin for managing your cluster, indices and mapping
- Bigdesk - Live charts and statistics for elasticsearch cluster
- Elastic HQ - Elasticsearch cluster management console with live monitoring and beautiful UI
- Kopf - Another management plugin that have REST console and manual shard allocation
- Search Guard - Elasticsearch security for free
- SIREn Join Plugin for Elasticsearch This plugin extends Elasticsearch with new search actions and a filter query parser that enables to perform a "Filter Join" between two set of documents (in the same index or in different indexes).
- NLPchina/elasticsearch-sql - Query elasticsearch using familiar SQL syntax. You can also use ES functions in SQL.
- elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop - Elasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop (and Hive)
- jprante/elasticsearch-plugin-bundle A plugin that consists of a compilation of useful Elasticsearch plugins related to indexing and searching documents
- elastic/timelion time-series analyses application. Overview and installation guide: Timelion: The time series composer for Kibana
- /r/elasticsearch
- Elasticsearch forum
- Stackoverflow
- Books on Amazon does not fit well into this category, but worth to check this out!
- TODO: Put some good twitter accounts
- Centralized Logging with Logstash and Kibana On Ubuntu 14.04 everything you need to now when you are creating your first Elasticsearch+Logstash+Kibana instance
- dwyl/learn-elasticsearch a getting started tutorial with a pack of valuable references
- Make Sense of your Logs: From Zero to Hero in less than an Hour! by Britta Weber demonstrates how you can build Elasticsearch + Logstash + Kibana stack to collect and discover your data
- A Useful Elasticsearch Cheat Sheet in Times of Trouble
- The definitive guide for Elasticsearch on Windows Azure
- ElasticSearch pre-flight checklist
- 9 Tips on ElasticSearch Configuration for High Performance
- Maximizing Data Ingestion Performance with Elasticsearch on Azure - and not only for Azure. That's a great article about Elasticsearch Performance testing by example
- Elasticsearch Indexing Performance Cheatsheet - when you plan to index large amounts of data in Elasticsearch (by Patrick Peschlow)
- ElasticSearch for Logging Elasticsearch configuration tips and tricks from Sanity
- Scaling Elasticsearch to Hundreds of Developers by Joseph Lynch @yelp
- 10 Elasticsearch metrics to watch
- Understanding ElasticSearch Performance
- Our Experience of Creating Large Scale Log Search System Using ElasticSearch - topology, separate master, data and search balancers nodes
- 📂 Elasticsearch on Azure Guidance it is 10% on Azure and 90% of a very valuable general information, tips and tricks about Elasticsearch
- Apache Hive integration
- Connecting Tableau to ElasticSearch (READ: How to query ElasticSearch with Hive SQL and Hadoop)
- mradamlacey/elasticsearch-tableau-connector
- ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 1 by engineeringblog.yelp.com
- ElastAlert: Alerting At Scale With Elasticsearch, Part 2 by engineeringblog.yelp.com
- Elasticsearch as a Time Series Data Store by Felix Barnsteiner
- Running derivatives on Voyager velocity data By Colin Goodheart-Smithe
- Shewhart Control Charts via Moving Averages: Part 1 - Part 2 by Zachary Tong
- Implementing a Statistical Anomaly Detector: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 by Zachary Tong
- Classifying images into Elasticsearch with DeepDetect (forum thread with discussion) by Emmanuel Benazera
- Elasticsearch with Machine Learning (English translation) by Kunihiko Kido
- Recommender System with Mahout and Elasticsearch
- Data Infrastructure at IFTTT Elasticsearch, Kafka, Apache Spark, Redhsift, other AWS services
- OFAC compliance with ElasticSearch using AWS
- Building a Streaming Search Platform - Streaming Search on Tweets: Storm, Elasticsearch, and Redis
- LogZoom, a fast and lightweight substitute for Logstash
- Fluentd vs. Logstash for OpenStack Log Management
- Building a Directory Map With ELK
- Structured logging with ELK - part 1
- How we scaled Raygun
- Getting started with ElasticSearch
- Speed is a Key: Elasticsearch under the Hood introduction + basic performance optimization
- $$ Pluralsight: Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developers this course will introduce users to Elasticsearch, how it works, and how to use it with .NET projects.
- How Elasticsearch powers the Guardian's newsroom
- ElasticSearch config for a write-heavy cluster - reyjrar/elasticsearch.yml
Yelp, IFTTT, StackExchange, Raygun, Mozilla, Spotify, CERN, NASA
- Make sure you are about to post a valuable resource that belongs to this list
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- Do not even try to add this repo to any awesome-awesome-* lists
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