- 1
Global number must start with "+"
#152 opened by Inkal31899 - 1
- 8
unable to get Photo when using URL
#109 opened by rajp6265 - 4
Wrong value for vCard property VERSION returned
#150 opened by mangstadt - 8
CRLF is handled incorrectly in vcard 2.1 properties
#149 opened by hamburml - 1
- 1
No Class found in DavX5
#145 opened by ibahnasy - 1
what is the way to add social media contact?
#138 opened by KlyukinSA - 0
WhatsApp format of vcard is not supported?
#144 opened by rohaitas - 2
[Compatibility] Treat KIND values case-insensitive
#140 opened by rfc2822 - 3
- 1
- 1
Default line folding line length is not null
#139 opened by KlyukinSA - 3
Sharing VCF with image to WhatsApp doesn't work
#120 opened by juaparser - 2
Relations and Anniversaries are lost in serialization
#137 opened by fgubler - 4
Raw property values
#136 opened by mangstadt - 9
Custom getter in VCardProperty
#133 opened by prrvchr - 2
Parsing from chunk of text
#132 opened by prrvchr - 6
- 1
Add support for Jigsaw modules
#130 opened by Auties00 - 3
Version 0.11.3 vulnerabilities
#128 opened by mangstadt - 0
How to set android group in vcard
#96 opened by winterzhuang - 0
unable to get Photo when using bytes data
#121 opened by AndroidDeveloperMCT - 1
- 1
[Q] How do I get the `RawProperty`s?
#126 opened by NightMachinery - 2
VCardWriter - Writes data without proper formatting for Google Contacts - Expected : YYYY-MM-DD ; current : YYYYMMDD
#124 opened by abdus-shakur - 1
IMPP: case-insensitive comparison of schemes
#123 opened by rfc2822 - 4
- 4
Vulnerability (CVE-2021-37714) in jsoup 1.13.1
#118 opened by malikarsllan - 2
- 5
- 3
Caret encoding: \n not encoded to ^n
#115 opened by rfc2822 - 2
Address field parsing issue
#114 opened by sultanahamer - 1
- 5
Adding charset encoding to elements in VCard
#106 opened by DJViking - 2
- 1
[Question] How many phones can a single contact have
#105 opened by bolds07 - 1
Topicality of IMPP entrys
#104 opened by ZarVladimirII - 2
Iterator not iterating past 7th contact.
#103 opened by IsDisDaPizza - 5
Relaxed parsing for DATE values
#102 opened by rfc2822 - 4
com.github.mangstadt class not found. Could it've been an error I made while building?
#101 opened by IsDisDaPizza - 10
Getting crash when using this library
#99 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 5
Support for OPENPGP4FPR URIs in KEY property
#100 opened by wiktor-k - 1
doesn't show all contacts
#95 opened by hithamHL - 2
Issue in Android 7+
#98 opened by saba7afi - 0
Generated vcard not wokring with IOS
#97 opened by Tahseem-Ahmad - 4
Image not show on contact
#94 opened by bosemian - 2
- 1
TravisCI build failing
#92 opened by mangstadt - 1
Unable to write plain text KEY property value
#91 opened by mangstadt