
Subscribe to cat coins bank and win 100 cat coins that you can invest, pay your friends, or make some savings... A Mod 2 Paired Project @flatiron-school.

Primary LanguageRuby


The App

Login or signup to my bank and get 100 cat coins. You can then make savings, transfers, or investments.

Alt Text


Use a Rails App that uses an MVC structure and RESTful conventions:

Technical details

  • MVC & Web Requests
  • Rails:
    • Routing
    • Controllers
    • ERB Views
  • HTML Forms
  • ActiveRecord Models & Relationships
  • Problem Solving


Fork and clone the project https://github.com/manonja/my-memes-app

In your terminal, go to my-memes-app

  • run bundle install
  • rails db:migrate
  • rails db:seed
  • rails s

How to use?

Login into your account. You can see your account summary, make savings, make transfers to your friends, and invest some cat coins!


Azam Khan () & Manon Jacquin (https://github.com/manonja)