- 7
Rewrite: Implement watch mode
#247 opened by mantoni - 11
Rewrite: Release & publishing strategy
#250 opened by mantoni - 0
Rewrite: v1.0.0
#251 opened by mantoni - 0
Rewrite: Integration tests for WebDriver
#246 opened by mantoni - 2
Rewrite: read spec/bundle from stdin
#268 opened by m90 - 1
Rewrite: Documentation
#265 opened by m90 - 2
Rewrite: Support native JavaScript modules
#249 opened by mantoni - 1
Rewrite: Puppeteer settings
#245 opened by mantoni - 0
Rewrite: Allow "external" mochify drivers
#248 opened by mantoni - 0
- 14
Mochify Rewrite
#229 opened by mantoni - 1
- 6
Support Puppeteer for Firefox
#198 opened by m90 - 1
Use Browserify 17
#224 opened by m90 - 9
Update to a more recent version of mocha
#213 opened by albertyw - 10
- 3
Pass flags to Browserify
#208 opened by fatso83 - 0
- 6
- 2
Async test cases that fail end the entire test suite
#191 opened by m90 - 5
- 3
- 1
Can --async-polling false be set for specific test run definition in .win-md?
#176 opened by jandockx - 1
Better coverage report with mochify-istanbul
#175 opened by SteffenL - 10
- 3
Use random port if no port is specified
#164 opened by mantoni - 1
- 3
Cannot set viewport
#166 opened by VinhVu0412 - 2
Option to pass additional arguments to chrome
#162 opened by fearphage - 1
Question: Does mochify use/respect mocha.opts file?
#158 opened by fearphage - 6
Use Chrome headless
#159 opened by fatso83 - 0
Add --outfile option to write test output to a file
#155 opened by mantoni - 0
Add nyan to supported reporters list
#157 opened by mantoni - 0
Fix default reporter documentation
#156 opened by mantoni - 1
Allow using Growl
#128 opened by jberube - 1
Way to load local custom ui?
#135 opened by kwonoj - 3
- 1
- 6
Tests fail without report when using `mochify-istanbul`
#146 opened by m90 - 2
wd client not loaded ?
#151 opened by kapouer - 4
Update Mocha dep to 3.x
#142 opened by wesleytodd - 1
Support mocha's --reporter-options option?
#143 opened by Melatonin64 - 4
- 2
Errors do not exit with code 1
#137 opened by jcrugzz - 2
Unable to pass Browserify transform arguments
#134 opened by webbedspace - 5
Allow passing an --wd-min-file flag
#127 opened by kolodny - 16
Colors not working with Mocha 2.4 anymore
#129 opened by mantoni - 3
travis ci sauce labs timeouts
#130 opened by kolodny - 4
Changing the timezone for tests
#125 opened by fabioel - 3