
Primary LanguagePython


This repo is part of kPAM that provides ros service for kPAM optimization and grasp planning.

Install Instruction

  • Clone this repo into your catkin workspace by git clone https://github.com/weigao95/kplan-ros kplan_ros (Note the underscore)
  • Build the message types by catkin_make
  • To run the code in nodes/ and scripts/, you need to add ${project_path} to PYTHONPATH [1]. You might run export PYTHONPATH="${project_path}:${PYTHONPATH}"

Run kPAM Action Planning

The costs and constraints to specifiy the manipulation task are serialized into yaml files. Examples for config files are provided in ${project_root}/kplan/kpam_opt/config/. To test kPAM optimization

  • Start the server by python nodes/kpam_action_planning_node.py --config_path path/to/config
  • Run the test by python scripts/kpam_action_planning_test.py

Run Grasp Planning

Since the kPAM project is mainly about object placing, the grasp planner we use is little bit hacky. To try it, please run python nodes/mug_keypoint_grasping_node.py


[1] The official way for python package installation is the setup.py file in ros. However, I always forgot to re-run catkin_make after modifying the python code, which causes confusion. Thus, I prefer to directly add ${project_path} to PYTHONPATH.