An incredibly fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points
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Confusing first example in the docs
#83 opened by erykciepiela - 1
It's not drawing the GeoJSON data
#82 opened by fbkolik1907 - 7
Excess triangles only show up in 3D space
#81 opened by amdreallyfast - 4
Can't use Delaunator as a ES module locally
#80 opened by ahrnbom - 15
Conforming/Constrained Delaunay
#9 opened by tomvantilburg - 2
How recieve from delaunator only trialgles lays in borders of original polygon?
#77 opened by DigitCell - 2
Change in forEachTriangle
#76 opened by PaulTorfs - 3
How to get hull's halfedges ?
#75 opened by w77 - 2
C# version crash out of range array on hullash
#74 opened by w77 - 8
Discussion for 3d port
#72 opened by nemo9955 - 1
How can I voronoi hull edges ?
#71 opened by waveware4ai - 2
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- 1
Add link to Kotlin port
#67 opened by 12people - 1
Some functions for cad module
#65 opened by HakanSeven12 - 3
Improvements to the data structures guide
#30 opened by mourner - 3
Preserving original triangles/faces indexing
#64 opened by vkuchinov - 1
Algorithmic complexity of the code
#62 opened by OsamaNabih - 1
Just a big thank you!
#60 opened by bradleyess - 2
Replace InCircle by Distance ?
#58 opened by w77 - 3
Does the hull contain edges that have no twins?
#57 opened by vchizhov - 1
TypeError: undefined is not a constructor.
#56 opened by Seventh7th-Son - 1
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Wrong hull in specific situations
#43 opened by viltit - 1
extremely degenerate input
#50 opened by w77 - 2
Stuck in Infinite For Loop
#44 opened by JeremyBYU - 8
Request: a mutable variant with an update method, for Voronoi relaxation purposes
#36 opened by JobLeonard - 1
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Sorting issue?
#21 opened by Av3r3tt - 1
PHP port ??
#41 opened by Webictbyleo - 3
len value for Delaunator constructor
#40 opened by Glidias - 0
Mention ports in readme
#38 opened by JobLeonard - 1
issue when using with create-react-app
#37 opened by redrobotdev - 1
Adaptive hull hashing
#31 opened by mourner - 8
Artifacts on degenerate input
#13 opened by dy - 13
Invalid halfedges on some collinear input
#24 opened by mbostock - 2
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Voronoi diagram
#7 opened by mourner - 5
Support flat array input format
#17 opened by redblobgames - 3
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turn into ES6 module?
#4 opened by tomvantilburg - 1
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