
Our first hackathon! Training for mRNA decay rates

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Our first hackathon!


Monday May 22 is the Neural Network workshop

Tuesday May 23 is the Hackathon

10am to when our food runs out.

The what:

For each gene, we want to be able to predict its decay rate, i.e. half-life or equivalent measures, using properties of genes.

Validation data:

We have half-life measurements from the following sources:


From Ensembl (v92):

  • Exonic lengths (UTR5 - CDS - UTR3)
  • GC content (need to get)

From the lab:

  • mmu 3T3: two samples (one MION, one PION)
  • hsa HeLa

To obtain:

  • Expression data
  • Slide parameters: Proportion of full-length reads, max poly(A)-tail length

Misc tips:

  • Open drinks need to be two spill distances away from any computer