
Why are PAR regions in X and Y different sizes?

duartemolha opened this issue · 7 comments


I was surprised to find that the PAR regions in X and Y do not match in terms of length.

It was my understanding that PAR regions should be exactly the same size on both chromossomes


The PARs are not expected to be exactly at the same size.
It was assumed so because it was copy-pasted that way in the GRCh reference.

Also note the X comes from CHM13, the Y comes from HG002.
The PARs are not the same size either on HG002XY, because there are a few X/Y specific variations.

You can see even from short-read variant calls, after masking the PARs on the Y and mapping / variant calling on the X-PARs, there are handful of variants called as "heterozygous".

There are more details in the T2T-Y preprint, see Fig. 3d and EDFig. 9a.


skoren commented

Not sure I follow your question, the autosomes are not identical in size in a diploid either. In this case, the X and Y are also from different samples/cell lines so they would never have been present in the same cell.

ekg commented
ekg commented