Seminars in Artificial Intelligence 2016

Research and Challenges in Human-Robot Interaction

Dr Marc Hanheide, Lincoln Centre for Autonomous System, UK



In this seminar series we are going to look at different sub-areas of Human-Robot Interaction. At each scheduled seminar, you will be given an introduction into the topic by myself and then we have three research papers, presented and discussed by the student, ie. you. In your presentation of the paper, make sure you cover

  1. the aims and objective of the paper
  2. the related work (identify in which way your paper is different to other approaches)
  3. the main findings presented in the paper

In the discussion of the paper you should critically reflect on

  1. the relevance of the research presented (is it widely applicable or very specific? how does it fit into the context of the research field?)
  2. the rigour of the work (are the results convincing? is the methodology sound?)
  3. the originality (is it a new idea? is the approach novel? is it the application of well-established techniques for a new application area?)

This seminar series complements the lecture on Human-Roboter Interaction

Meetings for advice

My office is B114. Please book an appointment (usually half an hour should be enough) when you want to see me.


Find all suggested topics and papers below. Click on paper number (e.g. 2-2) to download the respective one.

26/02/16: Briefing and Paper Selection

You will be introduced to the overall topics and the assessment procedures in this seminar.

Papers are assigned on a first come first serve basis. You can only pick one paper of the ones still remaining. Should you find yourself in a position where all papers are already taken, please contact directly.

11/03/16: Introduction, History and Overview of HRI

In this session we look at general challenges of HRI, the overall aims and objectives of the field, and a little bit more in details where it originates from and what future challenges might be. Slides of Marc's presentation are available.

Paper Presented by Discussed by
[1-1](PDF/Breazeal - 2004 - Social interactions in HRI the robot view.pdf) Breazeal, C., 2004. Social interactions in HRI: the robot view. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C, IEEE Transactions on, 34(2), pp.181–186. Andrea Gigli Matteo Bordoni
[1-2](PDF/Hebesberger et al. - 2015 - What do staff in eldercare want a robot for An assessment of potential tasks and user requirements for a lo.pdf) Hebesberger, D. et al., 2015. What do staff in eldercare want a robot for ? An assessment of potential tasks and user requirements for a long-term deployment . In IROS Workshop on “Bridging user needs to deployed applications of service robots.” Hamburg. Available at: SALVATORE GIGLIO Francesco Sapio
[1-3](PDF/Thrun - 2011 - Toward a Framework for Human-Robot Interaction.pdf) Thrun, S., 2011. Toward a Framework for Human-Robot Interaction. Human–Computer Interaction. Available at: [Accessed February 23, 2016]. Maurizio Maisto Lorenzo Steccanella

01/04/16: Studying and Measuring in HRI

The focus in this session is on methodology to study HRI. This is mostly about quantitative research methodologies, with links to research in sociology, human-computer interaction and psychology. We will look at different approaches to study specific aspects of HRI. Slides of Marc's presentation are available. Note, the it also contains a lot of material on quantitative analysis that we didn't talk about in the seminar itself, so it may well be worth flipping through the slides for some more background.

Paper Presented by Discussed by
[2-1](PDF/Bethel, Murphy - 2010 - Review of human studies methods in HRI and recommendations.pdf) Bethel, C.L. & Murphy, R.R., 2010. Review of human studies methods in HRI and recommendations. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2(4), pp.347–359. Available at: Matteo Bordoni Sina Baharlou
[2-2](PDF/Riek - 2012 - Wizard of Oz Studies in HRI A Systematic Review and New Reporting Guidelines.pdf) Riek, L.D., 2012. Wizard of Oz Studies in HRI: A Systematic Review and New Reporting Guidelines. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 1(1). Available at: [Accessed August 28, 2012]. Daniele Evangelista Maurizio Maisto
[2-3](PDF/Weiss et al. - 2009 - The USUS evaluation framework for human-robot interaction.pdf) Weiss, A. et al., 2009. The USUS evaluation framework for human-robot interaction. In Adaptive and Emergent Behaviour and Complex Systems - Proceedings of the 23rd Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, AISB 2009. pp. 158–165. Harold Agudelo Andrea Gigli

In addition to the paper [2-2](PDF/Riek - 2012 - Wizard of Oz Studies in HRI A Systematic Review and New Reporting Guidelines.pdf), there is a useful online calculator to determine the sample size required for statistical tests, based on some assumptions on effect size and study design:

15/04/16: Human-Robot Spatial Interaction

This session focuses on mobile robots and how they should be moving among humans. We will look at implicit signalling from motion, social- or human-aware navigation approaches, balancing (perceived) safety and effectiveness of navigation.

Presentations will proceed in the following order:

  1. Proxemics and communicating by moving - Marc Hanheide
  2. [3-0](PDF/Dondrup et al. - 2015 - Real-time multisensor people tracking for human-robot spatial interaction.pdf) - Ali Youssef
  3. Qualitative Human-Robot Spatial Interaction - Marc Hanheide
  4. [3-1](PDF/Lichtenthaeler et al. - 2012 - Increasing perceived value between human and robots - Measuring legibility in human aware navigation.pdf) - Lorenzo Steccanella
  5. [3-3](PDF/Trautman, Krause - 2010 - Unfreezing the robot Navigation in dense, interacting crowds.pdf) - Francesco Sapio
Paper Presented by Discussed by
[3-0](PDF/Dondrup et al. - 2015 - Real-time multisensor people tracking for human-robot spatial interaction.pdf) Dondrup, C. et al., 2015. Real-time multisensor people tracking for human-robot spatial interaction. In Workshop on Machine Learning for Social Robotics at International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). ICRA / IEEE. Available at: [Accessed February 1, 2016]. Ali Youssef ?
[3-1](PDF/Lichtenthaeler et al. - 2012 - Increasing perceived value between human and robots - Measuring legibility in human aware navigation.pdf) Lichtenthäler, C. et al., 2012. Increasing perceived value between human and robots - Measuring legibility in human aware navigation. In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, ARSO. pp. 89–94. Lorenzo Steccanella Wilson Villa
[3-3](PDF/Trautman, Krause - 2010 - Unfreezing the robot Navigation in dense, interacting crowds.pdf) Trautman, P. & Krause, A., 2010. Unfreezing the robot: Navigation in dense, interacting crowds. In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 797–803. Available at: [Accessed March 29, 2011]. Francesco Sapio Massimiliano Mancini

22/04/16: Human-Robot Collaboration (and some more mixed things)

Here we are going to look into ways humans and robot can effectively collaborate in tasks, focusing on physical interaction and task coordination. In addition, we have one paper that leads over to next week already.

Presentations will proceed in the following order:

  1. Introduction to HRC - Marc Hanheide
  2. [5-1](PDF/St. Clair, Mataric - 2011 - Task coordination and assistive opportunity detection via social interaction in collaborative human-robot ta.pdf) - Gabriele Angeletti
  3. Planning to Collaborate - Marc Hanheide
  4. [5-3](PDF/Sisbot, Alami - 2012 - A human-aware manipulation planner.pdf) - Paolo Russo
  5. [4-2](PDF/Lang et al. - 2009 - Feedback interpretation based on facial expressions in human-robot interaction.pdf) - Wilson Villa
Paper Presented by Discussed by
[5-1](PDF/St. Clair, Mataric - 2011 - Task coordination and assistive opportunity detection via social interaction in collaborative human-robot ta.pdf) St. Clair, A. & Mataric, M., 2011. Task coordination and assistive opportunity detection via social interaction in collaborative human-robot tasks. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS). IEEE, pp. 168–172. Available at: [Accessed December 10, 2012]. Gabriele Angeletti riccardo rinaldi
[5-3](PDF/Sisbot, Alami - 2012 - A human-aware manipulation planner.pdf) Sisbot, E.A. & Alami, R., 2012. A human-aware manipulation planner. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 28(5), pp.1045–1057. Paolo Russo Ahmad Irjoob
[4-2](PDF/Lang et al. - 2009 - Feedback interpretation based on facial expressions in human-robot interaction.pdf) (moved here due to unavailability of presenter next week) Lang, C. et al., 2009. Feedback interpretation based on facial expressions in human-robot interaction. In RO-MAN 2009 - The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Toyama, Japan: IEEE, pp. 189–194. Wilson Villa Harold Agudelo

29/04/16: Social Signals

This session will focus on the ways humans and robots can communicate with one another, focusing on implicit signalling.

At the beginning, we shall give Riccardo a chance to present his paper from two weeks ago.

Presentations will proceed in the following order:

  1. Introduction - Marc Hanheide
  2. [3-2](PDF/Lu, Hershberger, Smart - 2014 - Layered costmaps for context-sensitive navigation.pdf) - Riccardo Rinaldi
  3. Signals, Embodiment and Modalities - Marc Hanheide
  4. [4-1](PDF/Fischer et al. - 2013 - The impact of the contingency of robot feedback on HRI.pdf) - Mirco Colosi
  5. [4-3](PDF/Moon et al. - 2013 - Design and Impact of Hesitation Gestures during Human-Robot Resource Conflicts.pdf) - Ahmad Irjoob
Paper Presented by Discussed by
[4-1](PDF/Fischer et al. - 2013 - The impact of the contingency of robot feedback on HRI.pdf) Fischer, K. et al., 2013. The impact of the contingency of robot feedback on HRI. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems, CTS 2013. pp. 210–217. Mirco Colosi Irvin Aloise
[4-3](PDF/Moon et al. - 2013 - Design and Impact of Hesitation Gestures during Human-Robot Resource Conflicts.pdf) Moon, Aj. et al., 2013. Design and Impact of Hesitation Gestures during Human-Robot Resource Conflicts. International Journal of Human-Robot Interaction (IJHR), 2(3), pp.18–40. Available at: Ahmad irjoob Gabriele Angeletti
[3-2](PDF/Lu, Hershberger, Smart - 2014 - Layered costmaps for context-sensitive navigation.pdf) Lu, D. V, Hershberger, D. & Smart, W.D., 2014. Layered costmaps for context-sensitive navigation. In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. pp. 709–715. riccardo rinaldi SALVATORE GIGLIO

13/05/16: Long-term Interaction

Long-term interaction poses a significant challenge for robots, not only in terms of robustness, but also in terms of habituation and adaptation effects. In this session we shall learn more about long-term challenges and applications for robots.

A first Introduction will be followed by all the student presentations. They session will close with a wrap-up of all topics covered.

Paper Presented by Discussed by
[6-1](PDF/Baxter et al. - 2011 - Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction with Young Users.pdf) Baxter, P. et al., 2011. Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction with Young Users. Memory, press. Sina Baharlou Daniele Evangelista
[6-2](PDF/Kanda et al. - 2007 - A two-month field trial in an elementary school for long-term human-robot interaction.pdf) Kanda, T. et al., 2007. A two-month field trial in an elementary school for long-term human-robot interaction. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23(5), pp.962–971. Massimiliano Mancini Paolo Russo & Ali Youssef
[6-3](PDF/Sung, Christensen, Grinter - 2009 - Robots in the wild Understanding long-term use.pdf) Sung, J., Christensen, H.I. & Grinter, R.E., 2009. Robots in the wild: Understanding long-term use. Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2009 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on, pp.45–52. Irvin Aloise Mirco Colosi

Extra papers

Paper Presented by Discussed by
[5-2](PDF/Conrad, Shah, Williams - 2009 - Flexible execution of plans with choice.pdf) Conrad, P.R., Shah, J.A. & Williams, B.C., 2009. Flexible execution of plans with choice. Proceedings of ICAPS. ? ?