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Start the GitHub Codespaces

Start the Github Codespaces by clicking on Code, then Codespaces.

Connect to the remote desktop

Port forwarding

In the Codespaces' VSCode interface, click on the PORTS tab (next to TERMINAL), and click on the Forwarded Address URL next to the 6080 port forward. Click on the small globe icon to open a VNC connection to the remote desktop. The password is vscode.

This desktop environment is connected to the Codespaces: any GUI application that you start from the Codespaces' terminal (like rviz) will open in the remote desktop.

Prepare the environment

Initial environment preparation

Your environment (called a devcontainer) is based on ROS noetic with some additional tools. It is ready to use for our tutorial.

Let's simply create a basic ROS workspace, so that we can compile ROS nodes:

mkdir -p ws/src
cd ws
catkin init
catkin config --install
cd ..

Playing ROS 'bags'

ROS bags are files containing ROS data (ROS messages) that have been previously recorded. We can play ROS bag to re-create the datastream as they were when they were recorded.

Start ROS

In the same terminal, source your ROS environment:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

💡 each time you open a new terminal, you first need to source your ROS environment with this command.

Then, start roscore


Download the bag files

I have prepared some bags for today's tutorial. Download them with wget:

First, open a new terminal by clicking on the + at the right of the terminal panel.

💡 you can rename your terminals by right-clicking on them. For instance, name the first one roscore and the second one bags.

mkdir bags
cd bags
wget https://skadge.org/data/severin-head.bag
wget https://skadge.org/data/severin-sitting-table.bag
cd ..

💡 if you are running this tutorial on your computer directly (ie, not in a devcontainer, you can use your webcam directly (instead of the bags file):

First install usb_cam: apt install ros-noetic-usb-cam Then, start it, with the provided calibration file (or your own, if you have a calibrated camera):

rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node _camera_info_url:="file:///`pwd`/default_webcam_calibration.yml"

Display the content of the bag file

Source the ROS environment, and play the pre-recorded bag file:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
rosbag play --loop bags/severin-head.bag

Type rostopic list to list the available ROS topic (ie, the ROS data channels). You should see at least /usb_cam/image_raw that contains the raw image pixels data.

Open yet another terminal, source ROS, and open rqt_image_view:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

Switch to the remote desktop tab. You should see the RQT image_view interface. Select the /usb_cam/image_raw topic in the drop-down list. It should display the video stream.


We can alos visualize the bag file in rviz, the main ROS tool for data visualization. Stop rqt_image_view (either close the window, or press Ctrl+C in the terminal), and start rviz instead:


Add an Image plugin, and select the /usb_cam/image_raw topic like on the screenshot below:


Face detection

Install hri_face_detect

We first want to detect faces in our test bag file.

We will use a ROS4HRI-compatible node for that purpose: hri_face_detect

To install it:

First, let's get the code:

cd ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros4hri/hri_face_detect.git
cd ..

Then, build it:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
catkin build hri_face_detect

💡 all the dependencies are already included in your container, so the build step should work straight away. Otherwise, you would have had to install manually mediapipe (pip3 install mediapipe) and all the other ROS dependencies (rosdep install -r -y --from-paths src).

Start the face detection node

The hri_face_detect node has been installed in the install/ subfolder. We need to tell ROS to look into that folder when starting a node. Type:

source ./install/setup.bash

Then, you can start the face detection node, remapping the default image topic to the one actually published by the camera:

roslaunch hri_face_detect detect.launch rgb_camera:=usb_cam filtering_frame:=head_camera

You should immediately see on the console that some faces are indeed detected. Let's visualise them.

Visualise the result

Open another terminal, and source ROS.

We can check that the faces are detected and published at ROS message by simply typing:

rostopic echo /humans/faces/tracked

We can also use rviz to display the faces with the facial landmarks. Then, in rviz, set the fixed frame to head_camera, and enable the Humans and TF plugins:

rviz human plugin

Configure the Humans plugin to use the /usb_cam/image_raw topic. You should see the face being displayed, as well as its estimated 6D position:

rviz displaying faces

We are effectively running the face detector in a Docker container, running in a virtual machine somewhere in a Github datacentre!

Install hri_fullbody

Next, let's detect 3D skeletons in the image.

We will use the ROS4HRI-compatible hri_fullbody node.

To install it:

First, let's get the code:

cd ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros4hri/hri_fullbody.git
cd ..

Then, build it:

catkin build hri_fullbody

💡 again, all the dependencies are already installed. To do it manually: pip3 install mediapipe ikpy followed by rosdep install -r -y --from-paths src.

Start the body detection

First, go back to the terminal playing the bag file. Stop it (Ctrl+C), and start the second bag file:

rosbag play --loop --clock severin-sitting-table.bag

Now, open a new terminal, and source install/setup.bash (this will also automatically source /opt/ros/noetic.setup.bash):

cd ws
source install/setup.bash

Start the body detector:

roslaunch hri_fullbody hri_fullbody.launch rgb_camera:=usb_cam

Re-open the browser tab with rviz: you should now see the skeleton being detected, in addition to the face:

Body and face, visualised in rviz

'Assembling' full persons

Now that we have a face and a body, we can build a 'full' person.


Until now, we were running two ROS4HRI perception module: hri_face_detect and hri_fullbody.

The face detector is assigning a unique identifier to each face that it detects (and since it only detects faces, but does not recognise them, a new identifier might get assigned to the same actual face if it disappears and reappears later); the body detector is doing the same thing for bodies.

Next, we are going to run a node dedicated to managing full persons. Persons are also assigned an identifier, but the person identifier is meant to be permanent.

First, to avoid generating too many new people, we are going to only publish the few same frames from the video. Switch back to your rosbag terminal. Stop the current bag (Ctrl+C), and run:

rosbag play --loop --clock -s 3 -u 1 severin-sitting-table.bag

Then, open a new terminal and install hri_person_manager:

cd ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros4hri/hri_person_manager.git
cd ..
catkin build hri_person_manager

Source again install/setup.bash, configure some general parameters (needed because we are using a webcam, not an actual robot, check the doc to know more), and start hri_person_manager:

source install/setup.bash
rosparam set /humans/reference_frame head_camera
rosparam set /humans/robot_reference_frame head_camera
rosrun hri_person_manager hri_person_manager

If the face and body detector are still running, you might see that hri_person_manager is already creating some anonymous persons: the node knows that some persons must exist (since faces and bodies are detected), but it does not know who these persons are (you can ignore the warning regarding TF frames: they come from the use of bag files instead of real 'live' data).

To get 'real' people, we need a node able to match for instance a face to a unique and stable person: a face identification node.

Display the person feature graph

We can use a small utility tool to display what the person manager understand of the current situation.

Open a new terminal and run:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd ws/src/hri_person_manager/scripts/

In a different terminal, run:

 evince /tmp/graph.pdf

You should see a graph similar to:

ROS4HRI graph

Connecting the person feature graph

First, let's manually tell hri_person_manager that the face and body are indeed parts of the same person. TO do so, we need to publish a match between the two ids (in this example, rlkas (the face) and mnavu (the body), but your IDs might be different, as they are randomly chosen)

In a new terminal (with ROS sourced):

rostopic pub /humans/candidate_matches hri_msgs/IdsMatch "{id1: 'rlkas', id1_type: 2, id2: 'mnavu', id2_type: 3, confidence: 0.9}"

The graph updates to:

ROS4HRI graph

⚠️ do not forget to change the face and body IDs to match the ones in your system!

💡 the values 2 and 3 correspond respectively to a face and a body. See hri_msgs/IdsMatch for the list of constants.

Manually identifying the person

To turn our anonymous person into a known person, we need to match the face ID (or the body ID) to a person ID:

For instance:

rostopic pub /humans/candidate_matches hri_msgs/IdsMatch "{id1: 'rlkas', id1_type: 2, id2: 'severin', id2_type: 0, confidence: 0.9}"

The graph updates to:

ROS4HRI graph

Know that the person is 'known' (ie, at least one person 'part' is associated to a person ID)m the automatically-generated 'anonymous' person is replaced by the actual person.

We are doing it manually here, but in practice, we want to do it automatically.

Installing and running automatic face identification

Let's install the hri_face_identification node:

cd ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros4hri/hri_face_identification.git
cd ..

Then, build it:

catkin build hri_face_identification

💡 again, all the dependencies are already installed in the container. To do it manually, run rosdep install -r -y --from-paths src.

Start the node:

source install/setup.bash
roslaunch hri_face_identification face_identification.launch

You can now check in the graph (or directly on the /humans/candidate_matches topic): the face should now be automatically associated to a person.

Probabilistic feature matching

The algorithm used by hri_person_manager exploits the probabilities of match between each and all personal features perceived by the robot to find the most likely set of partitions of features into persons.

For instance, from the following graph, try to guess which are the most likely 'person' associations:

complex ROS4HRI graph

Response in the paper (along with the exact algorithm!): the 'Mr Potato' paper.

If you want more...!

Here a few additional tasks you might want to try, to further explore ROS4HRI:

  • Write a small Python script that list on the console the people around the robot (hint!).

  • write a node (C++ or Python) to automatically match faces and bodies. One approach consists in computing the overlap of the regions of interest of pairs of (face, body), and compute a likelihood based on that.

    Check the pyhri API documentation here, and the C++ libhri API documentation here.