BTCexchange project

A simple BTC exchange REST API with Swagger. Allows for registering user, posting orders to sell/buy BTC and pairs these orders and executes them.

Assignment from Made in Visual studio, using framework ASP.NET core. Endpoints are on https://localhost:7290/swagger/index.html available also through Swagger interface.

Uses a PostgreSQL database and database-first approach, so you need to have PostgreSQL installed and created tables (created directly through pgAdmin):

create table users ( id serial primary key, name text NOT NULL, token text NOT NULL, btc_balance int8 NOT NULL, usd_balance int8 NOT NULL );

create table orders ( id serial primary key, user_id int4 NOT NULL, filled_quantity int8 NOT NULL, remain_quantity int8 NOT NULL, limit_price int8 NOT NULL, avg_price double precision NOT NULL, status text NOT NULL, buying bool NOT NULL, notify_url text );

Do not forget to change the "ConnectionString" to "DefaultDatabase" in "appsettings.json" for your setup.