ROS Wrapper for the Piecewise Polynomial Path Planner (P4)

See for a documentation on P4.

This repository also integrates the Minimum-Time Path Planner from

    Address = {Madrid, Spain},
    Author = {F. Gao and W.Wu and J. Pan and B. Zhou and S. Shen},
    Booktitle = {Optimal Time Allocation for Quadrotor Trajectory Generation},
    Title = {Proc. of the {IEEE/RSJ} Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Syst.({IROS})},
    Month = Oct,
    Year = {2018}}

Installation instructions

We assume that you have already installed ROS and that you have set a catkin workspace already. Then, you need to install the dependencies for using P4 and TimeOptimizer.

  • P4 dependencies:
  1. Install Eigen
  2. Install gnuplot and boost
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev gnuplot
  1. Install OSQP

If the installation instructions from OSQP's website are not working properly, follow the guidelines below:

git clone
cd osqp
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
  • TimeOptimizer dependencies:
  1. Get a Mosek license. Follow the instructions in here if you want an academic license.
  • Install p4_ros:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone --recursive
cd ~/catkin_ws

Execute an example

You will need two terminals. In the first you will start the motion-planning server:

roslaunch p4_ros launch_services.launch

In the second terminal, run the client example (see src/p4_client_example.cpp if you want to edit the desired trajectory):

rosrun p4_ros p4_client