"profile_manager/profiling_data_srv.h" Not found
dawnchen123 opened this issue · 1 comments
dawnchen123 commented
Hello, marcelinomalmeidan.
I got an error when I catkin_make the project.
~/catkin_ws/src/publishAirsimImgs/src/imgPublisher.cpp:19:48: fatal error: profile_manager/profiling_data_srv.h: No file or contens. compilation terminated. publishAirsimImgs/CMakeFiles/airsim_imgPublisher.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'publishAirsimImgs/CMakeFiles/airsim_imgPublisher.dir/src/imgPublisher.cpp.o' failed
I guess some package absent in my ubuntu environment. Can you help me to solve the problem? And what packages should I install before compile the "publishAirsimImgs"?
Waiting for you answer! Thanks a lot.
hitzhang commented