ROS packages for the sun/unicampania force/tactile sensors.
You need all the pkgs listed in https.rosinstall
or ssh.rosinstall
You can download all the repos using wstool
# In the src of your catkin ws
wstool init #if not already initialized
wstool merge
wstool update
If you prefer to clone via ssh, merge with
wstool merge
To use the wired finger at full speed (500Hz) you need to install setserial
sudo apt-get install setserial
When the finger is connected to the PC, take note of the dev file that Linux assigns to the device. It is something like /dev/ttyUSB#
with #
a number. You can check it using the command:
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
Typically the first finger that you connect takes the id /dev/ttyUSB0
and the second takes id /dev/ttyUSB1
You need the access rights to the device. /dev/ttyUSB#
is owned by root
and the group is dialout
You can simply add your user to the dialout
sudo usermod -a -G groupName userName
You can run the driver using the launch file:
roslaunch sun_tactile_driver tactile_serial.launch
It has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Default |
serial_port |
Device file associated with the finger | /dev/ttyUSB0 |
baud_rate |
Baud rate for serial communication. For the wired fingers it has to be 1000000. | 1000000 |
voltage_raw_topic |
Output topic for the raw voltages | tactile_voltage/raw |
voltage_rect_topic |
Output topic for the de-biased voltages | tactile_voltage/rect |
action_compute_bias |
Action name that computes the bias* | tactile_voltage/action_compute_bias |
*the bias si computed at startup, you can force a new computation calling this action.
This project is licensed under the GNUv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details