
Find the QHack 2023 coding challenges here!

Organization of this repo

The challenges are organized into 5 categories or stories:

  1. Tutorial challenges
  2. A tale of timbits
  3. Bending Bennett's Laws
  4. Fall of Sqynet
  5. Office Hijinks

Within each of the folders corresponding to the stories above, you will find a number of subfolders, one for each challenge in that story. Inside each of these folders, you will find a README file containing the challenge statement, a Jupyter Notebook containing the template for solving the challenge, and (sometimes) a folder with images.

There are eight tutorial challenges, worth zero points, and 5 challenges in each of the other categories, worth points ranging between 100 and 500. The name of the folder containing the challenge specifies the numbers of points. For example, within office_hijinks, the folder office_hijinks_100 contains the challenge worth 100 points in this story.

Running the coding challenge

The Jupyter Notebook contains the following sections:

  1. Imports: A cell that imports the libraries needed for this challenge. You should not need to import any additional libraries.
  2. Code: Where you can write your code. Note that in QHack 2023's Coding Challenges, there were some uneditable blocks. If you want to relive the full QHack 2023 Coding Challenges experience, do not edit any code between the markers ### Uneditable section ### and ### End of uneditable section ###. There is also a cell with the run and check functions. They are helper functions to help judge your solution, and you shouldn't modify anything within these. You need to run this cell.
  3. Test cases: The public test cases available during QHack 2023 are shown here. You need to run the cell that defines the variable test_cases.
  4. Solution testing: Run the cell here to see whether your solution is correct!