This Android project written in Kotlin contains two parts: a library and an app.
An Android library: Collection of reusable views, fragments, activities, drawables, loggers, and other utilities.
It is divided into nine modules:
- myactivities (mostly: MyActivity - predefined base main activity / app ui manager)
- myfragments (some reusable fragments; base fragment: MyFragment with predefined communication with MyActivity)
- myviews (some custom reusable views like MyNavigationView or MyPie)
- mydrawables (some animated drawables)
- myrx (some kotlin extensions for rxjava)
- myloggers (pretty logging ui on android)
- myutils (a lot of different utility functions etc)
- myres (collection of android resources ready to use)
- myintent (the myintent app - see below)
You can use any of these through JITPack:
Add following repository at the end, to your root build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
// ... other repositories here
maven { url "" }
Then add dependencies to My Intent modules you want - in your app module build.gradle file:
dependencies {
// ... other dependencies here
Change myactivities
to module you want.
Usually including the myactivities
module is enough because it depends on almost all others.
To see features of this library check out the My Intent App (described below) (especially the MyTestActivity embedded inside the app that just presents most of the features of this library)
There is also very simple example aplication using MyIntent lib. here: My Intent Sample
Also some old Java versions of example apps using this library (its old Java version) are still available here:
- DEPRECATED: My Blocks Sample (on github) - the simplest app using My Blocks lib.
- DEPRECATED: My Blocks Sample (on google play)
- DEPRECATED: My Blocks Sample (on youtube)
- DEPRECATED: My Test App (on github)
- DEPRECATED: My Test App (on google play)
- DEPRECATED: My Test App (on youtube)
TODO: real documentation...
An app that allows the user to start any android intent easily.
Documentation is available here: