
Database facilitating information retrieval and data transformation tasks like association of references and taxids, taxonomic binning of a library and more.

Primary LanguagePython


Sets up a PostgreSQL database based by default on the latest taxonomy files provided by NCBI and the nt reference dataset. It resolves for each accession the taxonomic ID (taxID) it is assigned to by name. tactac provides functions that let's you

  • annotate fasta headers by their accessions, e.g. as needed for lowest common ancestor computations
  • collect all accessions for a given taxID, e.g. for computing reference coverage rates for taxonomic branches or for subsampling reference sequences
  • taxonomic binning, i.e. distribute the library into 1 << x bins (fasta files), such that a bin represents a clade, e.g. as pre-processing step for YARA



Start the PostgreSQL Server in its default configuration. If you want to change configuration settings like io paths, connection details, etc., overwrite config.py. See the complete set of options with

  python tactac.py --help

Download Reference and Taxonomy Files

Download Taxonomy

tactac relies on a set of files provided by NCBI, namely, nodes.dmp, names.dmp, and taxidlineage.dmp in order to create the full taxonomy, and assign names to taxIDs.

python tactac.py --download tax

Download Reference

tactac will resolve NCBI accession IDs to taxonomic identifiers. In order to do so, per default the complete non-human nucleotide data set in fasta format will be downloaded (nt). You can change the reference data set by editing the provided configuration file.

python tactac.py --download ref

Download Accession to Reference Resolution Table

Per default the latest nucl_gb.accession2taxid.gz file from ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/accession2taxid will be downloaded. To modify the edit config.py.

python tactac.py --download acc2tax

Download All

Alternatively, to download all files at once use the all option.

python tactac.py --download all

Build Database

From Scratch

Start running the installed PostgreSQL server. With the build option a new database will be created. It is assumed that the default settings are

Server name Host Name Port User Name
'local' 'localhost' 5432 'postgres'
python tactac.py --build --password <pwd>

Continue or Update

In case the Accessions table filling got interrupted (nugc_gb.accession2taxid currently contains 258,753,642 entries), you can continue the filling by setting the --continue flag. Optionally, you can give a hint terms of last successfully inserted accession. The parser will jump to the succeeding line and omit database queries to test the presence. Note that continuation leaves the other three tables, i.e. Node, Names, Lineage, unmodified!

python tactac.py --build --continue [<last_ins_>] --password <pwd>

or with personalized configurator


Accession to TaxID

Give a single accession number (without the version prefix) as command line argument or file. The file format has to be either in fasta format which may also contain sequence data to be ignored or be a list of accessions (one per row). Whenever input values are given directly in terminal, output will also be printed in terminal, otherwise a result file is generated.

python tactac.py --acc2tax [<file>|<acc>]

TaxID and associated Accessions

For each taxonomic node in the subtree given by acc via command line or listed row-wise in a file, the list of directly associated accession will be output in the row format taxid,acc1,acc2,.... The output behaviour is the same as for acc2tax.

python tactac.py --tax2acc [<file>|<acc>]

Taxonomy aware Binning

Splits your reference library (e.g. given by the raw nt fasta file) with respect to the taxonomy. This is an important pre-processing step to apply taxonomy-aware indexing with DREAM-Yara. Be sure your PostgreSQL server is running and the previous steps have been finished. If you want to use all accessions that are currently in your database, leave the argument void - per default all will be set. You may have to handover the database user password (--password <pwd>). The binning output directory is set in the configurator file config.py (see BINNING_DIR).

python tactac.py --binning [<src_dir>|default='all'] [--num_bins <num_bins>]

Taxonomic Subtree

Create a subset of the complete taxonomy database given a root taxid. Four files will be generated:

  • Taxonomy file (*.tax), i.e. the taxonomic clade rooted by taxid in csv format #taxid, parent_taxid stored in tactac/subset/<taxid>/root_<taxid>.tax
  • Taxid table (*.acc) with directly assigned accessions, i.e. all accessions assigned to the clade in csv format #taxid,acc1,acc2,... stored in tactac/subset/<taxid>/root_<taxid>.accs
  • Sequence file (*.fasta) containing all references assigned to the clade
  • Positional map (ID2acc), i.e. a 1-based counter corresponding to an accession and its position within the above generated fasta file
python tactac.py --subtree <taxid:int> --password <pwd>

All Parameters


[1] Federhen, S. (2012). The NCBI Taxonomy database. Nucleic Acids Research, 40(D1), D136–D143. http://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkr1178