A ground station software build for the rocketry project Propulse NTNU Go check that out here: https://www.propulsentnu.no/
To install this package and containing requirements:
To download, do:
wget http://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.14/5.14.0/qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.14.0.run
chmod +x qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.14.0.run
sudo apt-get install $(cat pkglist)
to run, type
- Built in Qt5 with C++ using a Designer ui file
- contains a network module that connects to the rocket to communicate over UDP
- collects realtime sensor data from rocket, along with HD video streaming
- Packets are verified with CRC32 checksum
- All data received is written to the file
- to recompile the installer, write
cd installer/
and type:./installer-framework/bin/binarycreator --offline-only -c config/config.xml -p packages/ ground-station