Cloud Pak for Integration


OpenShift Cluster

Create a new GitHub organization

  • Fork the GitOps Repository Structure and clone them to your local machine

Set up GitOps

navigate to the main repo

cd multi-tenancy-gitops

login to your cluster

oc login --token=<token> --server=<server>

Install ArgoCD into the cluster

oc apply -f setup/ocp4x/

Delete default ArgoCD instance

As we'll see in a moment, the default instance of ArgoCD, created when we install the operator, isn't sufficient; we have to create a new one. But before we do this, we have to delete the default instance of ArgoCD.

oc delete gitopsservice cluster || true

Create a custom ArgoCD instance Now let's create the custom ArgoCD instance using this YAML.

oc apply -f setup/ocp4x/argocd-instance/ -n openshift-gitops

Launch ArgoCD

ArgoCD can be accessed via an OpenShift route. Using a browser, navigate to the URL returned by following command:

oc get route openshift-gitops-cntk-server -n openshift-gitops -o jsonpath='{"https://"}{}{"\n"}'

Login to ArgoCD use admin for the username and retrieve the password from the appropriate Kubernetes secret. Use the following command to retrieve the password:

oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cntk-cluster -n openshift-gitops --keys="admin.password" --to=-

Set your git branch and organization

export GIT_BRANCH=master
export GIT_ORG=< your organization name >

Run the customization script


Commit the changes and push to git

git add .
git commit -s -m "GitOps customizations for organization and cluster"
git push

Apply ArgoCD bootstrap.yaml to the cluster

oc apply -f 0-bootstrap/single-cluster/bootstrap.yaml

GitOps Repository Structure

There are a total of 4 Git repositories involved with the GitOps workflow.


  • Main GitOps repository ( This repository contains all the ArgoCD Applications for the infrastructure, services and application layers. Each ArgoCD Application will reference a specific K8s resource (yaml resides in a separate git repository), contain the configuration of the K8s resource, and determine where it will be deployed into the cluster.

  • Directory structure for single-cluster or multi-cluster profiles:

    ├── 1-infra
    ├── 2-services
    ├── 3-apps
    ├── bootstrap.yaml
    └── kustomization.yaml

The contents of the kustomization.yaml will determine which layer(s) will be deployed to the cluster. This is based on whether the resources are commented out or not. Each of the listed YAMLs contains an ArgoCD Application which in turn tracks all the K8s resources available to be deployed. This follows the ArgoCD app of apps pattern.

- 1-infra/1-infra.yaml
- 2-services/2-services.yaml
- 3-apps/3-apps.yaml

Infrastructure Layer

├── 1-infra.yaml
├── argocd
│   ├── consolelink.yaml
│   ├── consolenotification.yaml
│   ├── infraconfig.yaml
│   ├── machinesets.yaml
│   ├── namespace-ci.yaml
│   ├── namespace-dev.yaml
│   ├── namespace-ibm-common-services.yaml
│   ├── namespace-istio-system.yaml
│   ├── namespace-openldap.yaml
│   ├── namespace-openshift-storage.yaml
│   ├── namespace-prod.yaml
│   ├── namespace-sealed-secrets.yaml
│   ├── namespace-staging.yaml
│   ├── namespace-tools.yaml
│   └── storage.yaml
└── kustomization.yaml
Contents of the `kustomization.yaml` will determine which resources are deployed to the cluster
- argocd/consolelink.yaml
- argocd/consolenotification.yaml
- argocd/namespace-ibm-common-services.yaml
- argocd/namespace-ci.yaml
- argocd/namespace-dev.yaml
- argocd/namespace-staging.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-prod.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-istio-system.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-openldap.yaml
- argocd/namespace-sealed-secrets.yaml
- argocd/namespace-tools.yaml
#- argocd/namespace-openshift-storage.yaml
#- argocd/operator-ocs.yaml
#- argocd/refarch-infraconfig.yaml
#- argocd/refarch-machinesets.yaml

Services Layer

  • Services GitOps repository ( Contains the YAMLs for K8s resources which will be used by the application layer. This could include subscriptions for Operators, YAMLs of custom resources provided, or Helm Charts for tools provided by a third party. These resource would usually be managed by the Administrator(s) and/or a DevOps team supporting application developers.
├── 2-services.yaml
├── argocd
│   ├── instances
│   │   ├── artifactory.yaml
│   │   ├── cert-manager-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── chartmuseum.yaml
│   │   ├── developer-dashboard.yaml
│   │   ├── grafana-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── ibm-platform-navigator-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── ibm-process-mining-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── openldap.yaml
│   │   ├── openshift-service-mesh-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── pact-broker.yaml
│   │   ├── sealed-secrets.yaml
│   │   ├── sonarqube.yaml
│   │   └── swaggereditor.yaml
│   └── operators
│       ├── cert-manager.yaml
│       ├── elasticsearch.yaml
│       ├── grafana-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-ace-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-apic-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-aspera-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-assetrepository-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-automation-foundation-core-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-catalogs.yaml
│       ├── ibm-cp4i-operators.yaml
│       ├── ibm-datapower-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-eventstreams-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-foundations.yaml
│       ├── ibm-mq-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-opsdashboard-operator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-platform-navigator.yaml
│       ├── ibm-process-mining-operator.yaml
│       ├── jaeger.yaml
│       ├── kiali.yaml
│       ├── openshift-gitops.yaml
│       ├── openshift-pipelines.yaml
│       └── openshift-service-mesh.yaml
└── kustomization.yaml
Contents of the `kustomization.yaml` will determine which resources are deployed to the cluster
# IBM Software
- argocd/operators/ibm-ace-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-apic-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-aspera-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-assetrepository-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-cp4i-operators.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-datapower-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-eventstreams-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-mq-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-opsdashboard-operator.yaml
#- argocd/operators/ibm-process-mining-operator.yaml
#- argocd/instances/ibm-process-mining-instance.yaml
- argocd/operators/ibm-platform-navigator.yaml
- argocd/instances/ibm-platform-navigator-instance.yaml

# IBM Foundations / Common Services
- argocd/operators/ibm-foundations.yaml
- argocd/instances/ibm-foundational-services-instance.yaml
- argocd/operators/ibm-automation-foundation-core-operator.yaml

# IBM Catalogs
- argocd/operators/ibm-catalogs.yaml

# Required for IBM MQ
#- argocd/instances/openldap.yaml
# Required for IBM ACE, IBM MQ
#- argocd/operators/cert-manager.yaml
#- argocd/instances/cert-manager-instance.yaml

# Sealed Secrets
- argocd/instances/sealed-secrets.yaml

#- argocd/operators/grafana-operator.yaml
#- argocd/instances/grafana-instance.yaml
#- argocd/instances/artifactory.yaml
#- argocd/instances/chartmuseum.yaml
#- argocd/instances/developer-dashboard.yaml
#- argocd/instances/swaggereditor.yaml
#- argocd/instances/sonarqube.yaml
#- argocd/instances/pact-broker.yaml
# In OCP 4.7+ we need to install openshift-pipelines and possibly privileged scc to the pipeline serviceaccount
- argocd/operators/openshift-pipelines.yaml

# Service Mesh
#- argocd/operators/elasticsearch.yaml
#- argocd/operators/jaeger.yaml
#- argocd/operators/kiali.yaml
#- argocd/operators/openshift-service-mesh.yaml