A simple 3D game framework based on OpenGL ES 2.0. The project explores a number of concepts needed in order to create a working game framework
Also included is a demo game (Memory Card Game) as shown in MAGLCardMemoryController.m
demonstrating ways in which a number of different base classes in the framework can be used to create a 3D game in OpenGL. The logic within this game is found in MACardMemoryLogic.m
and demonstrates a method for using behavior trees to control animations and logic.
Memory Card Game:
Slot Machine Game Prototype (spring and touch animations):
Matching Mini-Game:
Functionality includes:
- Animation Classes
- MAAnimation.h
- MAAnimationConfig.h
- MAAnimationCache.h
- MAGLFrame.h
- MAFrameCache.h
- Sprite Classes
- MAGLSprite.h
- Texture Atlas Support (parsing TexturePacker JSON files)
- MAAtlasData.h
- MAAtlasFrame.h
- MAAtlasMeta.h
- MAAtlasPoint.h
- MAAtlasSize.h
- MAAtlasSpriteData.h
Animations and game logic classes are built based on the concept of Behavior Trees (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_tree), and include the following base classes:
- MARoutine.h
- MAComposite.h
- MASequence.h
- MAFrameAnimationRoutine.h