
how to generate heatmap of clusters x markers, but just for a subset of data

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I'm using Workflow for cyTOF, and have a question about generating heatmaps using pheatmap. I ran clustering on a dataset that has two clinical timepoints in it. I want all the timepoints clustered together, but I want to generate separate "cluster vs antibody expression" heatmaps for Timepoint 1 and Timepoint 2 (and in future, with other subgroups defined in the metadata). How do I amend the below script in order to achieve this?
Please let me know if you need more or different information. Thanks!


----plot-clustering-heatmap1 (function)

plot_clustering_heatmap_wrapper <- function(expr, expr01,
cell_clustering, color_clusters, cluster_merging = NULL){

Calculate the median expression, if column name starts with number, a “x” will be added to the name of each column and causes error for data matching. Panel renaming is necessary.

expr_median <- data.frame(expr, cell_clustering = cell_clustering) %>%
group_by(cell_clustering) %>% summarize_all(funs(median))
expr01_median <- data.frame(expr01, cell_clustering = cell_clustering) %>%
group_by(cell_clustering) %>% summarize_all(funs(median))

Sort the cell clusters with hierarchical clustering

clustering_table <- as.numeric(table(cell_clustering))
clustering_prop <- round(clustering_table / sum(clustering_table) * 100, 2)

Calculate cluster frequencies

d <- dist(expr_median[, colnames(expr)], method = "euclidean")
cluster_rows <- hclust(d, method = "average")

expr_heat <- as.matrix(expr01_median[, colnames(expr01)])
rownames(expr_heat) <- expr01_median$cell_clustering

Colors for the heatmap

color_heat <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "RdYlBu")))(100)
legend_breaks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.2)
labels_row <- paste0(expr01_median$cell_clustering, " (", clustering_prop ,

Annotation for the original clusters

annotation_row <- data.frame(Cluster = factor(expr01_median$cell_clustering))
rownames(annotation_row) <- rownames(expr_heat)
color_clusters1 <- color_clusters[1:nlevels(annotation_row$Cluster)]
names(color_clusters1) <- levels(annotation_row$Cluster)
annotation_colors <- list(Cluster = color_clusters1)

Annotation for the merged clusters

cluster_merging$new_cluster <- factor(cluster_merging$new_cluster)
annotation_row$Cluster_merging <- cluster_merging$new_cluster
color_clusters2 <- color_clusters[1:nlevels(cluster_merging$new_cluster)]
names(color_clusters2) <- levels(cluster_merging$new_cluster)
annotation_colors$Cluster_merging <- color_clusters2

pheatmap(expr_heat, color = color_heat, cluster_cols = FALSE,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows, labels_row = labels_row,
display_numbers = TRUE, number_color = "black",
fontsize = 8, fontsize_number = 3, legend_breaks = legend_breaks,
annotation_row = annotation_row, annotation_colors = annotation_colors)

heatmap of clusters

plot_clustering_heatmap_wrapper(expr = expr[, lineage_markers_ord],
expr01 = expr01[, lineage_markers_ord],
cell_clustering = cell_clustering1, color_clusters = color_clusters)

Hi @CNicholasMDA,

Just one thing of note is that if you are using plot_clustering_heatmap_wrapper(), then you have a very old version of the cytofWorkflow. So, I suggest to first look here:

And then, for the heatmaps, the function plotMultiHeatmap in the CATALYST package has really a lot of options. But ultimately, if it's difficult to create a heatmap that want with the functions, the thing to do is pull out the summaries that you want and call your favourite heatmap software on those.

Cheers, Mark

Brilliant. Thank you. All of this makes sense.
best wishes, Courtney