
Error in md_cols while creating sce

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Sa753 commented

Dear sir,

I am always getting that error message and can't get beyond that stage.

I ensured installing the recent version of R and CATALYST as you previously advised. Also, I am following the recent version published on 17th of Dec 2019. but the issue unfortunately is not resolved and I can't get beyond that stage

sce <- prepData(fs, panel, md, features = panel$fcs_colname)
Error in prepData(fs, panel, md, features = panel$fcs_colname) :
all(ids %in% md[[md_cols$file]]) is not TRUE

I also did ensure that the md$file_names are the same as in the flowset.

Please advise


Can you give the output of sessionInfo() after loading the CATALYST package? As I write this, 1.10.1 is the latest version.

Also the outputs of md and flowCore::keyword(fs, "FILENAME") could be informative.

Best, Mark