SNSF Open Access Check

The application SNSF Open Access Check was developed by the SNSF with R Shiny as a prototype. Using data from Dimensions and Unpaywall, this prototype is limited for the time being to researchers based in Switzerland. It is available here.

Local installation

If you want to run the application locally using the code in this repository, you need:

  • An account for the bibliometric service Dimensions that allows API requests. Create a file dimensions_credentials.key in core that consists of your Dimensions username (first line) and your Dimensions password (second line).
  • To configure the mailings correctly (when mails should be sent):
    • Enter the mail address you want the reports to be sent out from in variable mailaddress_noreply in global.R.
    • Create a file containing the credentials and server information of the mail address provided in mailaddress_noreply with blastula::create_smtp_creds_file(). Save the file as mail_creds in the directory core.
    • Enter a mail address as variable mailaddress_feedback in global.R. This is the mail address feedback from the feedback form is sent to.
  • If you would want to enable the logging mechanism, set the variable logging in global.R to TRUE, create a MySQL server instance and the three tables OAReportMailing, OAReportError and OAReportFeedback according to the scripts in directory sql. Save the server connection information as mysql_credentials.key in the directory core:
    • Host and port (1st and 2nd line)
    • Username and password (3rd and 4th line)

After these steps, you should be able to run the project in RStudio.


If you have questions regarding the application code, please contact For more general questions about the app please use the feedback form in the application user interface.


MIT © Swiss National Science Foundation