
My personal dot files

Primary LanguageShell



Backround info:

On a new installation, I usually want:

# git clone https://github.com/marmalodak/home ~/.punkte # switch to using ssh on github
git clone git@github.com:marmalodak/home.git ~/.punkte
git -C $HOME/.punkte/.git --git-dir=$HOME/.punkte/.git --work-tree=$HOME checkout -- $HOME
# open a new shell, then:
punkt reset --hard  # when re-installing dotfiles into a messed up $HOME
# punkt pull --rebase --recurse-submodules --verbose --stat
p10k configure

Before being able to push:

        name = John Schmitt
        email = marmalodak@gmail.com


YTF is there a colon in the path to zsh-edit? The URL should be url = https://github.com/marlonrichert/zsh-edit.git, not url = https://github.com:marlonrichert/zsh-edit.git. How did that happen?

NB: submodules need to be absolute paths relative to $HOME

Listing 1. submodule example
    [submodule ".vim/pack/vim8/start/vim-tmux-pilot"]
        path = .vim/pack/vim8/start/vim-tmux-pilot
        url = https://github.com/urbainvaes/vim-tmux-pilot

When punkt-auf fails because a submodule will not update because it wants to rebase (WHY???)

For example, powerlevel10k:

rm -rf .powerlevel10k
punkt pull --rebase --recurse-submodules --verbose --stat

When punkt-auf fails because a submodule cannot be found in .gitmodules:

punkt rm --cached .vim/pack/vim8/start/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc

oh-my-zsh source

ohmyzsh is a git submodule.

Open a new terminal to invoke the punkte (née dotfiles)

See also punkt-neu() in .zshrc


brew bundle install Brewfile which was created from brew bundle dump

fonts require svn

rvm source

The RVM installer is beautiful bash code, going to read it and improve my shell game
rvm use ruby-2.7 --default
rvm install asciidoctor-diagram
Listing 2. These are required for asciio
brew install glib
brew install cairo
brew install gtk+
brew install gtk+3 gtk4 gtkextra pango

Might be time to give up on drawing in asciidoctor or vim and use PlantUML, graphviz, pikchr


  1. cpan

  2. cpan App::cpanminus

  3. App::Asciio

check these out

  • Yazi

  • Arai2

  • FastFetch

  • erdtree

  • Dust

  • tealdear

Bookmarks for future projects



  1. eza

  2. apt install build-essential for make and gcc

  3. apt install fd-find for fd * DO NOT INSTALL fdclone *

Key Repeat Rate mac: macOS need restart

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1
defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 10

Linux Key Repeat Rate

xset r rate 210 40

Historical notes

  • The powerline module gave me too much trouble, so I’m configuring that manually now, so I don’t need the python virtual environment anymore