
[RAL 2024] Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Large-scale Robot Exploration - - Public code and model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


[RAL 2024] Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Large-scale Robot Exploration - - Public code and model



  • python == 3.10.8
  • pytorch == 1.12.0
  • ray == 2.1.0
  • scikit-image == 0.19.3
  • scikit-learn == 1.2.0
  • scipy == 1.9.3
  • matplotlib == 3.6.2
  • tensorboard == 2.11.0


  1. Set training parameters in parameters.py.
  2. Run python driver.py


  1. Set parameters in test_parameters.py.
  2. Run test_driver.py


  • parameters.py Training parameters.
  • driver.py Driver of training program, maintain & update the global network.
  • runner.py Wrapper of the local network.
  • worker.py Interact with environment and collect episode experience.
  • model.py Define attention-based network.
  • env.py Autonomous exploration environment.
  • graph_generator.py Generate and update the collision-free graph.
  • ground_truth_graph.py Generate and update the ground truth graph.
  • node.py Initialize and update nodes in the coliision-free graph.
  • sensor.py Simulate the sensor model of Lidar.
  • /model Trained model.
  • /DungeonMaps Maps of training environments provided by Chen et al..


Yuhong Cao
Rui Zhao
Yizhuo Wang
Bairan Xiang
Guillaume Sartoretti