
Jenny Bryan's instruction at RaukR: Advanced R for Bioinformatics Summer School


Agenda for Jenny Bryan's instruction at:


Please do the requested Git/GitHub prep in advance, as per email! Go here:


Git 1 of 2 (Tuesday June 11)

  • Intro to GitHub and Git, with RStudio
  • Using R Markdown and R with Git, GitHub, and RStudio (if time permits)


Activity prompts

  • mostly instructor-led activities we'll do together
  • Work on adding more exploration or a figure to your packages-report project
    • Keep working in the project we initiated on GitHub, then cloned, and practiced in.
    • Go through several cycles of: change R code, commit & push
    • Render to .md if you like.
    • We'll try to work up to finishing it with a README.Rmd and turning on GitHub Pages.
  • A possible finished product, given more time: https://github.com/jennybc/wtf-packages-report-EXAMPLE
  • Another version from Jim Hester that includes a proper Makefile https://github.com/jimhester/my-packages/tree/jims


Iterating well with purrr (Wednesday June 12)

Slides on SpeakerDeck:

Jenny live code:

More of my purrr content:

Git 2 of 2 (Thursday June 13)

  • Introduce remotes and branches
  • Useful Git workflows, esp. time travel



All link to Happy Git

Where to find me online


Written versions of content are under open development here:

Links that are handy to us

Exciting announcement about food!