
Jekyll plugin to generate thumbnails from a directory of images and display them with a Liquid tag

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Jekyll plugin to generate thumbnails from a directory of images and display them with a Liquid tag.


  1. Install ImageMagick
  2. Install a Ruby gem for ImageMagick: Either mini_magick or RMagick (Here is good instruction how to Install rmagick on OS X Mountain Lion).
  3. Drop galleries.rb into your Jekyll site's _plugins folder.
  4. Add the following to your _config.yml and customize to taste.
    magick_lib: mini               # choose this if you use mini_magick
    source_dir: images/gallery
    destination_dir: images/thumbs
    thumb_width: 150
    thumb_height: 150
    columns: 4                     # set to 0 and a <ul> list will be generated
    custom_attribute_name: data-lightbox
    #structure: flat               # Output flat list of à la: <div><a>tumbnail-1</a>...<a>tumbnail-n</a></div>
    generate_overlays: True # Add a div before each thumbnail image. This can be useful for hover-effects, see galleries.scss
  • source_dir — The path (relative to your top Jekyll directory, where is _config.yml stored) to the folder containing your gallery images. Default value images/gallery
  • destination_dir — The path to you thumbnails (relative to your top Jeyll directory). Recommend to use a different path in relation to source_dir to have possibility easily remove all thumbnails in one time. Default value: images/thumbs
  • thumb_width — The width, in pixels, you want your thumbnails to have. Default value: 150.
  • thumb_height — The height, in pixels, you want your thumbnails to have. Default value: 150.
  • columns — How many columns galleries should display when the Liquid tag is used. Default value: 4.
  • custom_attribute_name - add into "a" tag custom attribute with specified name which contain the "galleryname" (userful for lightbox plugins, when need to tag). By default custom attribute name is rel for backward capability with old version of JekyllGalleryTag.


Jekyll will automatically generate (during builds) thumbnails for any images in the folder specified in source_dir variable of _config.yml and put them into destination_dir. To display specific images in a post, you would use a Liquid tag set up like this:

{% gallery galleryname %}
subfolder/myfirstimage.jpg:: A caption!
subfolder/myseconfimage.png:: Another caption
{% endgallery %}

Or you specify only the folder and the gallery will be generated with all images that are contained in this folder:

{% gallery galleryname %}
subfolder/:: A caption for all images in the folder
{% endgallery %}

You can also mix both! And you can also specify the maximum number of images to be shown in this gallery directly after the gallery name. E.g. this will only show the first 10 images from the folder subfolder/:

{% gallery galleryname 10 %}
{% endgallery %}

subfolder/ is a directory with images in you source_dir.

Jekyll will output some HTML that is (intentionally) similar to what WordPress does for galleries in posts, making it relatively simple to tweak your CSS. It will also add custom attribute (default - rel) to the links, which contain the "galleryname" text as shown in the above example. This makes is easy to integrate a lightbox script like FancyBox or Lightbox2.


  • You can find an example gallery generated with the original plugin here here.
  • And an example of the forked version here.