
BDV Brightness Settings dialog cannot be opened anymore

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Bug Description

The BDV brightness settings dialog cannot be opened anymore.
Also the keymapping for this action cannot be changed anymore.

Steps to reproduce

Method 1

  1. Open a Mastodon project
  2. Open the BDV view
  3. Press "S". This should open the brightness settings dialog, but nothing happens

Method 2

  1. Open a Mastodon project
  2. Open the Data table view
  3. Menu > Settings > Brightness settings. This should open the brightness settings dialog, but nothing happens. The same applies to "visibility and grouping".


  1. Open a Mastodon project
  2. File > Preferences > Settings > KeyMap
  3. Filter: brightness settings
  4. Click on "brightness settings"
  5. Change Binding to 'T'
  6. Apply
  7. Warnings appear and binding is not correctly updated:


Nice to read. I found the same behavior and thought it was due to a somewhat strange installation on my side. Didn't really found time to go deeper.

I made some investigations in the code. I assume that it has to do with this commit: 9b824d8

However, the commit is really big and thus not easy to understand, where the relevant part is that is responsible for this bug.

Presumably, also this commit is related to that: 7f75bda

I think this is not a bug: The dialogs you mention have been deprecated in BDV, and are to be removed in favor of the side pane.

Hm, okay. This leads me to 2 questions:

  1. How would a user currently make the settings, he/she used to set via these dialogs in previous versions? I cannot see these settings in the BDV side pane (or at least, I cannot find them)?
  2. Does it make sense that this command can still be configured in the BDV KeyMap settings of Mastodon?

1/ Honestly, I think these settings are gone. They cannot be set. This is a question for @tpietzsch involving the next version of BDV.

2/ Probably they can be removed.

1/ Honestly, I think these settings are gone. They cannot be set. This is a question for @tpietzsch involving the next version of BDV.

I found out how these settings can currently be made via the BDV Panel and a screenshot for further reference:


2/ Probably they can be removed.

I would say so. There is no need for a KeyMap setting for a function that does not exist anymore.

I agree that this is not a bug and close this issue in favor of #288