
Algorithms and code developed as part of the study described in Marjanovic et al.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Lung Tumor Evolution

"Emergence of a High-Plasticity Cell State during Lung Cancer Evolution"

Nemanja Despot Marjanovic, Matan Hofree, Jason E. Chan, ..., Tyler Jacks, Aviv Regev, Tuomas Tammela, Cell, 2019


The repository contains the princple computational methods and analysis scripts used in [1] Including code for the following analysis (Matlab):

  • Basica single cell analysis workflow
    • Identify over-dispersed genes
    • NMF
    • Graph cluster
    • tSNE and PHATE 2D representations
  • Genewise eCDF normalization
  • NMI
  • Single cell gene signatures
  • Consensus NMF and gsea of characteristic genes

Getting started

Software requirements and dependencies

  • Matlab (code was tested with R2020a)
  • R
  • (Optional) Jupyter notebook with matlab kernel -- view and manipulate ".ipynb" notebooks
  • (Optional) google cloud SDK

Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/matanhofree/lungTumorEvolution.git
cd lungTumorEvolution

Download data:

Main figure files:

Under construction (Last update 2/21/21)