Replay buffer for continual learning using similar infrastructure to JaxRL and JaxRL 2 (Kostrikov et al.), as well as rosbag_to_dataset by Sam Triest
To run online HDIF, do the following:
- Make sure all packages are installed and set up(including WandB for visualization)
- Set up a spec for your desired application similar to hdif_lester.yaml, which is in the specs folder.
- Run all the desired nodes that will publish ROS topics with the relevant data. If done from a bag, make sure to set simulation time to true with the following parameter (after running roscore):
rosparam set use_sim_time true
- Change the desired hdif configuration in
, including map_config, saved_model, saved_freqs, and saved_dir. - Run alongside data-generating nodes (such as tartanvo), and check the losses on WandB.