
MPU6050 IMU ROS driver for Raspberry boards

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

MPU6050 Driver


This is a ROS package to use the MPU6050 IMU sensor on platforms with Raspberry boards. The package was developed to be used in the Doogie Mouse robot. The sensor libraries were adapted from the Arduino Library of MPU6050 sensor.

Keywords: MPU6050, ROS, Raspberry


The source code is released under a MIT license.

Author: Mateus Meneses
Maintainer: Mateus Meneses, mateusmenezes95@gmail.com

The MPU6050 Driver package has been tested under ROS Kinetic and Raspbian Jessie. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.




The first step to build this package is install its dependency. To that, clone the i2c_device_ros package into your workspace

$ cd <YOUR_WS>/src
$ git clone https://github.com/mateusmenezes95/i2c_device_ros.git

Now, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace

$ cd <YOUR_WS>/src
$ git clone https://github.com/mateusmenezes95/mpu6050_driver.git
$ cd ../

Then, to build the package you could use two options:

  • pure catkin
$ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="mpu6050_driver;i2c_device_ros;
  • catkin tool
$ catkin build mpu6050_driver


Calibration Process

The first thing to do is run the calibration process. Because the misalignment from sensor assembly mistakes, it's necessary to calibrate the MPU sensor. For more detailed explanation about calibration process and MPU6050 sensor, see this great article The MPU6050 Explained. To run the calibration process, put the sensor on its final place on your robot (this is strongly important!) and then run the calibration node:

$ roslaunch mpu6050_driver mpu6050_calibration.launch

The process will take a few minutes to finish. While that, you can see the IMU data in the topic called "imu" and the offsets applied to MPU6050 calibration registers in the topic "imu_offsets". In a new terminal, you can see the imu messages runnig

$ rostopic echo /imu -c

and the offsets running on a new terminal

$ rostopic echo /imu_offsets -c

You'll see the angular velocity and linear acceleration values converging to zero, except for the accelerometer Z axis which the value will converge to gravity aceleration value (9,8 m/s²).

When the calibration process finish, you'll see the final offsets. For not run the calibration process all the time that you turn on your robot, pick these values and put in the offsets field in mpu_settings config file.

Running main node

After to calibrate the MPU sensor, you can run the main node with

$ roslaunch mpu6050_driver mpu6050_driver.launch

Config files

  • mpu_settings.yaml: All parameters of MPU6050 used in the calibration node and main node

Launch files



Publish the MPU6050 data

Published Topics

  • /imu (sensor_msgs/IMU) Imu data with the values from MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope


See the mpu_settings.yaml

More info

For a overview of the APIs, generate the class documentation by running the following commands:

$ cd doc/
$ doxygen Doxyfile

and the documentation files will be automatically generated. For more detailed overview of the APIs please refer to the source code (it's fairly simple).

Bugs & Feature Requests

Please report bugs and request features using the Issue Tracker.