This project is a superbuild project accompanying the paper Explicit safety and compliance on torque controlled robots for physical interaction submitted to RA-L.

It will build all dependencies and the mc_rtc control framework, allowing to run the controller used for this paper's experiments.



You can fullfill the requirements above by invoking our bootstraping script:

  • on Debian like distributions: ./utils/
  • on macOS: ./utils/


git clone mc-rtc-superbuild
# Run the bootstrap script in mc-rtc-superbuild/utils folder if required
cmake -S mc-rtc-superbuild -B mc-rtc-superbuild/build -DSOURCE_DESTINATION=${HOME}/devel/src -DBUILD_DESTINATION=${HOME}/devel/build
cd mc-rtc-superbuild/build
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo --target clone
cd ${HOME}/devel/src
git remote add EXP
git checkout EXP/topic/external-forces
cd ${HOME}/devel/build
cmake . -DBUILD_TESTING=off
# Go back to mc-rtc-superbuild clone location
cd mc-rtc-superbuild
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo