###TweenMax Haxe JS is an external wrapper for TweenMax and TweenLite by GreenSock.
- Author: PRASS
- Current version: 0.13
- Demo / Implementation sample: HardcoreSampler.com
TweenMax Haxe JS is available on haxelib:
haxelib install TweenMaxHaxeJS
You can also download and then place the folder tween into your Haxe project source folder. Next, you have to specify which lib and/or plugins you need in your HTML file:
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenLite.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/plugins/CSSPlugin.min.js"></script>
It's ready to use.
Syntax is exactly the same than the original TweeLite / TweenMax.
import tween.TweenMaxHaxe;
import tween.easing.Power2;
class Test
private var _target : Dynamic;
private var _tween : TweenMaxHaxe;
public function new () : Void {
_target = untyped $('#target');
_tween = new TweenMaxHaxe( _target, 4, { css: { left:"500px", top:"300px"} , ease: Power2.easeInOut } );
// OR
TweenMaxHaxe.to( _target, 4, { css: { left:"500px", top:"300px"} , ease: Power2.easeInOut } );
- More samples: Official Greensock web site
- Documentation: GreenSock JavaScript API Docs
- TweenMax Haxe JS is released in the public domain. No warranty expressed or implied. Use it at your own risk.
- Please check Greensock's licensing before using.