
blender based random procedural object generation for bullet grasping

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

procedural generation of objects for bullet grasping


generate .obj files

we generate and export .obj files within blender

start blender under this directory

open blender console (ctrl-alt-w, shift-f4) and run generation script

f = "gen_objs.py"
generate_n_objects(n=10, output_dir="objs")

run convex decomposition

exported .objs are concave only so need to run a convex decomposition on meshes. we'll use vhacd to do this.

cd ~/dev
git clone git@github.com:kmammou/v-hacd.git
cd v-hacd/install
python3 run.py --cmake

which builds the binary $HOME/dev/v-hacd/build/linux/test/testVHACD

we can run vhacd on all exported .obj files to make a corresponding .vhacd.obj file.

.obj are used for visual mesh, .vhacd.obj are used for collision.

# note: this script assumes path to testVHACD
./run_vhacd.sh objs

create urdfs

to load objects into bullet we need to generate .urdf files. use the bullet example data/cube.udf as a template

./gen_urdfs.py objs