we generate and export .obj
files within blender
start blender
under this directory
open blender console (ctrl-alt-w, shift-f4) and run generation script
f = "gen_objs.py"
generate_n_objects(n=10, output_dir="objs")
exported .objs
are concave only so need to run a convex decomposition on
meshes. we'll use vhacd
to do this.
cd ~/dev
git clone git@github.com:kmammou/v-hacd.git
cd v-hacd/install
python3 run.py --cmake
which builds the binary $HOME/dev/v-hacd/build/linux/test/testVHACD
we can run vhacd on all exported .obj
files to make a corresponding .vhacd.obj
are used for visual mesh, .vhacd.obj
are used for collision.
# note: this script assumes path to testVHACD
./run_vhacd.sh objs
to load objects into bullet we need to generate .urdf
use the bullet example data/cube.udf
as a template
./gen_urdfs.py objs