- AlBroughBrough Cloud
- alexodusItaly
- BeerPal
- cazzersonUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries
- chizz
- cow77Maren-Kessel, The Netherlands
- DucoReynolds
- e-flexVästerås
- gandaman
- gimiki
- jeffbordenSpring
- jfulton3
- jhcloos
- Jimmyjimw
- jwollmer
- kaljade
- kaptk2Flow Forms
- KnappTime
- kokangit
- marvinstuart
- matsstaff
- mikeyoismLinköping, Sweden
- MrNeutron
- nbrew
- NickoBrew
- nizarboussetta
- oscarekholmBlackbird Productions AB
- perArm
- phelian@ixDevAB
- rickeboySweden
- rolfzswitzerland
- sctn4elk
- sirtam
- stoeyChicago, IL
- sveco86
- thomashondema