
Install pytorch==1.11.

Bug: If you import packages following order:

import torch
import build.fivep as f

I got the following error.

    import build.fivep as f                                                  
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found (required by /home/komatsu/anaconda3/envs/py37-keypoints/lib/  

However, if I import fivep first, I didn't get any error.

import build.fivep as f
import torch

---- Original Readme ----


This is the official repository of the OMNICV-CVPR2022 workshop named "Pose Estimation for Two-View Panoramas: a Comparative Analysis"

Visit our paper:

IEEE link

CVF access


  1. Create a conda enviorenment
conda create --name py37-keypoints python=3.7
conda activate py37-keypoints
  1. Install the Spherical Package from Meder github

  2. Git clone the project and enter the folder

git clone
cd Keypoints
  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install liegroups package in utils directory

  2. Compile the SPHORB package

cd SPHORB-master
conda create --name SPHORB python=3.7
conda activate SPHORB
conda install -c conda-forge opencv==3.4.2
mkdir build1
cd build1
cmake ..
conda deactivate
  1. Compile the five-point algorithm package
cd fivepoint
conda create --name FP python=3.7
conda activate FP
conda install -c conda-forge opencv==4.5.5
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
conda deactivate


  1. Activate the conda enviorenment
conda activate py37-keypoints
  1. Run file
python3 --datas [Urban1|Urban2|Urban3|Urban4|Room|Classroom|Realistic|Interior1|Interior2] --descriptors [sift|tsift|orb|torb|spoint|tspoint|sphorb]
  1. Example for Outdoor dataset
python3 --datas Urban1 Urban2 Urban3 Urban4 --descriptors  orb torb sift tsift spoint tspoint sphorb
  1. Example for Indoor dataset
python3 --datas Room Classroom Realistic Interior1 Interior2 --descriptors  orb torb sift tsift spoint tspoint sphorb

Visual example

python3 --descriptor sift


Benchmark and results

100 images per dataset

Downloand link

Indoor Outdoor

1000 images per dataset

Downloand link

Cite our work

    author    = {Murrugarra-Llerena, Jeffri and da Silveira, Thiago L. T. and Jung, Claudio R.},
    title     = {Pose Estimation for Two-View Panoramas Based on Keypoint Matching: A Comparative Study and Critical Analysis},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {5202-5211}