I can't maintain this repogitory due to lack of time and official implementation is available now. Please check out the official implementation here.
An unofficial PyTorch implementation of ICCV 2019 paper "OmniMVS: End-to-End Learning for Omnidirectional Stereo Matching".
You need Python 3.6 or later for f-Strings.
Python libraries:
- PyTorch >= 1.3.1
- torchvision
- SciPy >= 1.4.0 (scipy.spatial.transform)
- OpenCV
- tensorboard
- tqdm
- Open3D >= 0.8 (only for visualization)
Please run the following command. On the first line, Python OcamCalib undistortion library is installed for undistortion of Davide Scaramuzza's OcamCalib camera model.
pip install git+git://github.com/matsuren/ocamcalib_undistort.git
git clone https://github.com/matsuren/omnimvs_pytorch.git
Download OmniThings in Omnidirectional Stereo Dataset from here. After extraction, please put the dataset folder in the following places.
├── ...
└── datasets/
└── omnithings/
├── cam1/
├── cam2/
├── cam3/
├── cam4/
├── depth_train_640/
├── ocam1.txt
├── ...
For some reasons, some filenames are inconsistent in OmniThings
For instance, the first image is named 00001.png
in cam1
, but, it is named 0001.png
for cam2
, cam3
, and cam4
. So please rename 0001.png
, 0002.png
, and 0003.png
so that they have five-digit numbers.
Run with default parameter (input image size: 500x480, output depth size: 512x256, disparity: 64).
python train.py ./datasets/omnithings
These default parameters are smaller than the ones reported in their paper due to GPU memory limitation.
You can change parameters by arguments (-h
option for details).
A pre-trained model (ndisp=48) is available here.
Predictions on OmniHouse after training on OmniThings (ndips=48).