E-Commerce REST API project

This is a collection of RESTful API calls modelled on basic e-commerce functionality.

Click the 'GitHub Project' link to see the kanban project cards. GitHub Project (https://github.com/mattburnett-repo/cc-ecom-rest-api-v2/projects/1)

This API is used / consumed by another project, ecommerce-ui

To install after downloading / cloning this repo,

  • run
    • npm install
  • then
    • npm run dev


Tests are located in the src/test folder

Tests are written using SuperTest / Chai and are run using Mocha test runner.

Technologies used

  • Express / NodeJS
  • EJS templating
  • PostgreSQL / PGadmin / Postbird
  • Mocha / Chai / SuperTest TDD suite
  • Postman API development tool
  • bcrypt encryption library
  • Passport JS authentication library
    • Local / Basic (username, password) authentication
    • Google OAuth authentication
  • Swagger API documentation
  • E-Commerce UI (React app)

Future development / To do

  • Everything can always be better...
  • OAuth creates problem in production server Swagger UI 'Try It Out' functionality.
    • Shows login screen html template, and not endpoint output.
    • OAuth is still implemented, just not used for API doc access, so you can see output of different API endpoints in 'Try It Out' parts of Swagger UI
  • OAuth redirect doesn't send response to calling UI app. Need to sort this out.