E-commerce UI / React project

This React application is a portfolio project completed as part of the Codecademy Full Stack Engineer certification program:

Only generally-worded requirements are provided. All design / test / code is done without assistance / guidance.

It interfaces with a RESTful API developed in a previous Codecademy project



Project Kanban: https://www.codecademy.com/paths/full-stack-engineer-career-path/tracks/fscp-full-stack-portfolio-project/modules/fscp-ecommerce-app-client/kanban_projects/ecommerce-app-client

Datasource / API: https://github.com/mattburnett-repo/cc-ecom-rest-api-v2

To install after downloading / cloning this repo,

  • run
    • npm install
  • then
    • npm start


Tests are located in two folders under the src/_tests_ folder

Tests are written using React Testing Library and are run using Jest test runner.

Technologies used

  • Wireframe.cc online wireframing tool

  • React 16

  • React Hooks

    • useEffect
    • useState
    • useContext
    • useHistory
    • useSelector
    • useDispatch
  • Redux / Redux Toolkit / Redux Persist

  • React Router

  • React Styled Components

  • React Testing Library / Jest

  • Passport Authentication Library

    • Local Strategy
    • Google OAuth Strategy
  • JSON Web Token authorization

  • E-Commerce REST API built as separate project

  • Stripe payment API integration

  • Product descriptions generated with Rytr (https://rytr.me/)


  • API calls are authenticated using Json Web Tokens
  • Displays a user-specific dashboard
  • Users can browse / search product categories
  • Users can add / read / update / delete cart items
  • Users can add shipping and payment information
  • Users can make a simulated credit card payment via Stripe to complete an order

Future work / TODO

  • Everything can always be better
    • Sort out OAuth callback issue that doesn't redirect to React app server
  • Implement admin functionality to
    • Manage users / orders / carts
    • Manage product listings
    • Order fulfillment tracking / processing