
Build Docker container for ea-utils and (optionally) convert to Apptainer/Singularity.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Image CI


Build Docker container for ea-utils and (optionally) convert to Apptainer/Singularity.



See Dockerfile for build requirements.
For adapter/primer removal with fastq-mcf - fasta format file with adapter sequences.

Build docker container:

1. For ea-utils installation instructions:


2. Build the Docker Image

To build image from the command line:

# Assumes current working directory is the top-level <tool>-docker-singularity directory
docker build -t eautils:1.04.807 . # tag should match software version

To test this tool from the command line:

docker run --rm -it eautils:1.04.807 fastq-mcf -h
docker run --rm -it eautils:1.04.807 fastq-mcf -h | grep "Version"

# Optional: Run with test data from PICARD Test Data GCS bucket
# mkdir fastq_test && gsutil cp gs://gatk-test-data/wgs_fastq/NA12878_20k/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_1.fastq ./fastq_test/ && gzip fastq_test/*.fastq
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/data -w /data eautils:1.04.807 fastq-mcf -S -q 30 -o /dev/null  n/a ./fastq_test/H06HDADXX130110.1.ATCACGAT.20k_reads_1.fastq.gz
# -v mounts current working dir as /data in container
# -w sets working dir in conatiner
# -o /dev/null sends outpout to nowhere
# n/a sets empty adatpers.fa file
# SUCCESSFUL TEST RESULT: filtering stats to standard out

Optional: Conversion of Docker image to Singularity

3. Build a Docker image to run Singularity

(skip if this image is already on your system)

4. Save Docker image as tar and convert to sif (using singularity run from Docker container)

docker images
docker save <Image_ID> -o eautils1.04.807-docker.tar && gzip eautils1.04.807-docker.tar # = IMAGE_ID of <tool> image
docker run -v "$PWD":/data --rm -it singularity:1.1.5 bash -c "singularity build /data/eautils1.04.807.sif docker-archive:///data/eautils1.04.807-docker.tar.gz"

NB: On Apple M1/M2 machines ensure Singularity image is built with x86_64 architecture or sif may get built with arm64

Next, transfer the eautils1.04.807.sif file to the system on which you want to run ea-utils from the Singularity container

5. Test singularity container on (HPC) system with Singularity/Apptainer available

# set up path to the Singularity container

# Test that <tool> can run from Singularity container
singularity run $EAUTILS_SIF fastq-mcf -h # depending on system/version, singularity may be called apptainer