Amino Acid Energy Cost Calculator

  • This Perl script calculates the energy cost of a given amino acid sequence from E.coli. It counts the occurrences of each amino acid in the sequence and calculates the total energy cost based on predefined energy values for each amino acid.


To run this script, you need to have Perl installed on your system.


Clone this repository or download the Perl script.

  • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the script is located.

  • Run the script using the following command:


- Enter the amino acid sequence when prompted. The sequence should consist of single-letter amino acid codes.

- The script will calculate the energy cost for each amino acid and display the results, as well as the total energy cost.

The program will exit after displaying the results.

- Example
- Here's an example of how to use the script:

Digite a sequencia em aninoacidos de E.coli que voce quer calcular o custo energético P: MKLAVYSTKQYDKKYLQQVN

- A quantidade de A eh 2
- A quantidade de C eh 0
- A quantidade de D eh 1
- A quantidade de E eh 1
- A quantidade de F eh 0
- A quantidade de G eh 0
- A quantidade de H eh 0
- A quantidade de I eh 0
- A quantidade de K eh 3
- A quantidade de L eh 1
- A quantidade de M eh 1
- A quantidade de N eh 1
- A quantidade de P eh 0
- A quantidade de Q eh 2
- A quantidade de R eh 0
- A quantidade de S eh 0
- A quantidade de T eh 1
- A quantidade de V eh 2
- A quantidade de W eh 0
- A quantidade de Y eh 1
- A quantidade de aminoacidos total eh 20
- O custo energético de ~P total e: 647.7

Contributing If you have any suggestions or improvements for this script, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.