
Remaster of Solitude for PS Vita

Primary LanguageC


⚠️ NOTICE #1: I am looking for the QC quake code source files to Halo Revamped (r17?) for N3DS! Without this, I must use decompilation of lost code to preserve the firefight features.

⚠️ NOTICE #2: This port is starting from scratch. See the original release here. The old version was built ontop of vitaQuake. While this new version is built ontop of Quakespasm-spiked.


QuakespasmSolitude is a port of Solitude for the vita, built ontop of Quakespasm-spiked (a Quake engine ported to Vita by Rinnegatamante). Solitude was originally made for the PSP and released in 2010 by FlamingIce. The forums went down and the game & assets became shareware. Since then several projects started with a goal of releasing on new platforms or improving the base game. This port is still a work in progress.

The goals of this project are to:

  1. Have fun.
  2. Make Solitude on PS Vita be a game we actually enjoy playing. Not just a demo of what is possible.
  3. Upgrade old PSP maps and create new maps. I want to have a solid map pack of maps we actually enjoy playing on.

Other versions of Solitude:

Game State Started In Last Update Target Platforms Authors QuakeC Source Engine Source
Solitude 2008 2010 PSP, Windows FlamingIce
Solitude Reborn 2014 2018 Vita Jukki, Ghost_Fang, Dr_Mabuse
Halo Revamped 2017 2017 3DS TCPixel
(Quakespasm) Solitude Vita 2020 2022 Vita mattthw

**Once released publicly on now dead forums. Now shareware.


Search issues for existing bugs and feature requests before submitting a new one.

Installation on Playstation Vita

NOTICE: This game is not yet released. Consider these instructons for developers at this point in time.

  1. Download the latest release: releases
  2. Extract the archive
  3. Install quakehalo.vpk on the Playstation Vita
  4. Copy the /Solitude folder to <ux0 or alternative:>/data/Quakespasm/.
    • You will also need the original quake files or shareware files as a .PAK filetype inside <ux0 or alternative:>/data/Quake/id1/. You should be able to use the data files from VITADB for vitaQuake.

The end result will look something like this:

            ./id1/*.PAK  # Legally acquired PAK files from original quake game


Compiling Quake Source

Compile SolitudeVita Engine Source

  1. Install the VitaSDK and set up building with the instructions here; https://vitasdk.org/
  2. Install VitaGL (https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/vitaGl) with "make" then "make install"
  3. Run the following command in this repository's ./Quake/ directory, which should produce a working quakehalo.vpk make clean && make -f Makefile.vita && curl
  4. (Optional) After installing quakehalo.vpk for the first time, you can install the changes faster by enabling FTP on the vita then running: curl --ftp-method nocwd -T ./build/eboot.bin ftp://<local IP of your vita>:1337/ux0:/app/SOLITUDE0/

Compile SolitudeVite Quake Code Source

  1. Install FTEQCC (mac) to compile or decompile QuakeC code.
  2. Navigate to the `qcc-src`` directory.
  3. run fteqcc command.
  4. Copy progs.dat and progs.lno to your vita directory ux0:/data/Quakespasm/Solitude/.


fteqcc && curl --ftp-method nocwd -T "/Users/matt_1/workspace/projects-vita/project-solitude/project-workspace/QuakespasmSolitude/{progs.dat,progs.lno}" || fteqcc | grep -B 2 -A 2 "error"

Mapping / Level Design

WADs, Assets, Tooling

Mapping Workflow Setup (macOS Silicon)

Note: you must launch trenchbroom from the terminal with command cd /Applications/TrenchBroom.app && ./Contents/MacOS/TrenchBroom (or run directly with /Applications/TrenchBroom.app/Contents/MacOS/TrenchBroom. Otherwise the compilation tools will fail. This is because they rely on terminal variables.

  1. Install Quakespasm, alt silicon build to some location
    1. Make sure to add ./id1/ and pak1.pak to <your game directory>/Quake/id1/. I cannot provide pak1.pak, you can get it from Quake source code by purchasing a retail copy.
  2. Create a folder inside Quakespasm called ./maps/ if it does not yet exist. This is where Quake looks for maps.
  3. Create a folder inside Quakespasm called ./working/. This is where we will create/edit/save maps
  4. Create wads folder in Quakespasm/working/wads and add project wads. These are used by TrenchBroom to load textures
  5. Install ericw-tools in Quakespasm/working/
  6. Setup TrenchBroom
    1. Go to preferences and click on Quake 1
      1. point the engine to the ./Quakespasm/ directory which contains ./id1/maps/, ./working/ etc.
    2. In the map editor, go to Faces, then at the bottom right click on Texture Collections. Add wads from Quakespasm/working/wads.
    3. Edit and save your map
    4. Go to Run -> Compile Map....
      1. Use the following settings:
        • Working directory: ${GAME_DIR_PATH}/working/
        • Export Map: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/${MAP_BASE_NAME}.map
        • Run Tool: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/ericw-tools/build/qbsp/qbsp
          • Parameters: -wadpath ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/wads/ ${MAP_BASE_NAME}
        • Run Tool: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/ericw-tools/build/vis/vis
          • Parameters: ${MAP_BASE_NAME}
        • Run Tool: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/ericw-tools/build/light/light
        • Copy Files: source: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/${MAP_BASE_NAME}.bsp, target: ${GAME_DIR_PATH}/id1/maps/
        • Copy Files: source: ${WORK_DIR_PATH}/${MAP_BASE_NAME}.lit, target: ${GAME_DIR_PATH}/id1/maps/
      2. Click Launch...
        1. use the parameters -basedir ${GAME_DIR_PATH} +map ${MAP_BASE_NAME}


  • idSoftware for winQuake sourcecode
  • MasterFeizz for ctrQuake sourcecode i studied to understand how winQuake works
  • EasyRPG Team for the audio decoder used for CDAudio support
  • Ch0wW for various improvements and code cleanup
  • JPG for ProQuake and some various fixes.
  • Cuevavirus for 1920x1080 rendering


  • Credit to Rinne for porting Quake to Vita
  • Credit to FlamingIce team for the original Solitude and Solitude Revamped
  • Ghost_Fang for menu & scoreboard inspiration
  • Credit to TCPixel for the N3DS port, which was the only place I was able to obtain the source code
  • Also credit to all the unnamed and unknown contributors to Solitudes several maps and many assets