
Starter Apps - Well Documented - Easy to Deploy


Starter Apps - Well Documented - Easy to Deploy

This is a list of SIMPLE, well-supported blockchian based apps.

Each Starter Kit Should Include:

  1. Description of app and support/forum info
  2. Link to Code Bases/Source Codes
  3. Deployment Instructions
  4. Demo of running app



This code pattern shows how to model a supply-chain network using the IBM Blockchain Platform V2 Beta and is based on a collaboration with Brooklyn Roasting Company. The story, along with the supply-chain documents that were used to model this network, can be found at: https://www.ibm.com/blockchainbean



NoteChain demonstrates the eosio platform running a blockchain as a local single node test net with a simple DApp, NoteChain. NoteChain allows users to create and update notes. This guide uses scripts, containing relevant commands, which will show you how to install, build and run NoteChain, and by doing so will demonstrate:

Downloading and running eosio in docker;
Managing your docker container;
Setting up and running a local single node testnet;
Setting up wallets, keys, and accounts;
Writing and deploying a smart contract;
Implementing a web based UI using React;
Connecting the UI to the blockchain using eosjs;
Styling the UI using Material-UI.

Github eosio-project-boilerplate-simple (https://github.com/EOSIO/eosio-project-boilerplate-simple) contains the UI and Smart Contract code, as well as setup scripts which will initialise and start all the necessary components.

The sample DApp demonstrates storing data in multi index table and retrieving this data into the web based UI. NoteChain is a simple note taking application, where notes are tied to user accounts. For this example, all accounts are pre-created by scripts and the account details are displayed at the bottom of the NoteChain UI.

Each account can then be used to add a note to the blockchain. The individual notes are saved in a multi-index table and for simplicity are of fixed width. Each account may have one note attached to it, adding a note to an account with an existing note will replace the existing note with a new note.



This Blog DApp demonstrates the eosio platform running a blockchain as a local single node test net with a simple DApp. This DApp allows users to create, edit, delete and like blog posts. This guide uses scripts, containing relevant commands, which will show you how to install, build and run the DApp, and by doing so will demonstrate:

Downloading and running eosio in docker
Managing your docker container
Setting up and running a local single node testnet
Setting up wallets, keys, and accounts
Writing and deploying a smart contract
Implementing a Node.js server with Demux to watch and read the state of the blockchain
Setting up and using a MongoDB database to store state data relevant to the DApp
Implementing a web based UI using React bootstrapped with Create React App
Connecting the UI to the blockchain using eosjs



This project showcases the use of blockchain in insurance domain for claim processing. In this application, we have four participants, namely insurance, police, repair shop and shop peer. Insurance peer is the insurance company providing the insurance for the products and it is responsible for processing the claims. Police peer is responsible for verifying the theft claims. Repair shop peer is responsible for repairs of the product while shop peer sells the products to consumer.

Audience level : Intermediate Developers Included Components

Hyperledger Fabric

Application Workflow Diagram


Generate Certificates for peers
Build Docker images for network
Start the insurance network