
An architecture for building themes



An architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors. Base16 provides a set of guidelines detailing how to style syntax and how to code a builder for compiling Base16 schemes and templates.


Template Repositories

To add your own template, submit a pull request to https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-templates-source and add your repository to the list below. Repository naming scheme: base16-[template-name] (with dashes as separators).

Scheme Repositories

To add your own scheme, submit a pull request to https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-schemes-source and add your repository to the list below. Repository naming scheme: base16-[scheme-name]-scheme (with dashes as separators).

Builder Repositories

Repository naming scheme: base16-builder-[language] (with dashes as separators). The separate headings are the latest versions of the spec supported by each builder.




Scheme and Template Author Resources

The following is a list of useful resources for anyone creating a Base16 scheme and or template:

  • Code Examples - A list of example code file for various languages.
  • TmTheme Editor - An online editor for themes in tmTheme format.
  • Base16 Template Converter - A script to automatically convert Base16 templates written in the old Embedded Ruby style to the new Mustache style.

Tools for using Base16

  • base16-manager - A command line tool to install base16 templates and set themes globally.
  • base16-shell-preview - A command line tool to preview and set base16-shell themes.

Projects using Base16