- 13
- 5
- 10
Hello, when I run Mavsdk-Swift-Example, after connecting the UAV, the CPU will reach 30%. What causes this problem? Can it be solved?
#220 opened by fanfans1 - 4
How do I connect multiple drones?
#219 opened by fanfans1 - 1
Does mavsdk support serial port connection?
#218 opened by StephaneZong - 6
How do I connect the camera on the simulator
#217 opened by fanfans1 - 13
- 6
Have to connect to QGC first and then run sample app, otherwise telemetry won't display.
#214 opened by mmanionRIIS - 3
Documentation not up to date.
#209 opened by L00rdD - 3
MAVSDK structs and classes should conform protocol (Codable, Hashable, Identifiable)
#199 opened by rligocki - 13
- 5
Not able to connect to TXMOD-RFD868.
#197 opened by rligocki - 18
- 1
Is there a way to listen to NAMED_VALUE_INT command?
#192 opened by viona31 - 6
- 11
- 3
Can't make MAVSDK work with our PX4 based drone
#188 opened by viona31 - 10
Cannot find type 'GRPCCallHandler' in scope
#184 opened by seungbeom-son - 4
Use 2 ESP8266 as Serial Bridge over WIFI
#173 opened by vinura - 10
Installation failure
#168 opened by cwkerk - 1
Connect to ArduPilot + MavProxy
#172 opened by nab0y4enko - 3
Shell commands
#171 opened by nab0y4enko - 5
Unable to connect to 3DR Solo
#170 opened by AustinRobinson - 4
error Cartfile setup
#166 opened by skibinalexander - 8
XCode 11.4 Build Error
#165 opened by gregav - 13
- 1
V2 Protocol Support
#163 opened by evilcap - 25
- 3
Unable to set camera settings (setSettings)
#160 opened by douglaswsilva - 4
- 2
- 3
- 9
Camera setSetting not working
#136 opened by douglaswsilva - 4
XCTest framework is causing single SIGABRT
#148 opened by unipheas - 5
Backend framework does not contain bitcode
#149 opened by unipheas - 2
Dronecode still exists
#150 opened by unipheas - 52
Not connecting to ESP8266 WiFi Module
#134 opened by JonasVautherin - 4
- 1
Offboard Control protocol generation
#141 opened by bluecamel - 8
CameraPhotoIntervalS not working in MissionItem
#137 opened by douglaswsilva - 17
#133 opened by douglaswsilva - 15
"SchedulerType = ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background)" has crash
#132 opened by CoDancer - 3
Task failed with exit code 65
#128 opened by unipheas - 0
- 2
Error with backend.json 0.16.0
#125 opened by unipheas - 5
Error building SDK from Carthage
#120 opened by douglaswsilva - 2
Add method for cancelling calibration process
#107 opened by byuarus - 1
healthObservable doesn't update calibration status after the calibration is complete
#108 opened by byuarus - 1
Implement plugin to set mavlink params
#109 opened by byuarus - 30