A package for implementing adaptive control algorithms in Julia, with an emphasis on methods that leverage control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) and control barrier functions (CBFs).
This toolbox is intended to serve as an extension of CBFToolbox.jl to adaptive control systems and implements the methods described in our ACC 2022 paper
M. H. Cohen and C. Belta, "High order robust adaptive control barrier functions and exponentially stabilizing adaptive control Lyapunov functions," in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 2233-2238, 2022.
The scripts in the examples folder allow one to reproduce the results from the above paper. This package is under active development, so things may change somewhat frequently.
The toolbox essentially adds to CBFToolbox.jl a suite of parameter estimation routines that can be used to define adaptive controllers that stabilize an uncertain dynamical system while satisfying safety constraints expressed as CBFs or high order CBFs. The parameter estimation algorithms used in this toolbox are based on those developed in
G. Chowdhary and E. Johnson, "Concurrent learning for convergence in adaptive control without persistency of excitation," in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3674-3679, 2010;
G. Chowdhary and E. Johnson, "A singular value maximizing data recording algorithm for concurrent learning," in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 3547 - 3552, 2011;
A. Parikh, R. Kamalapurkar, and W. E. Dixon, "Integral concurrent learning: Adaptive control with parameter convergence using finite excitation," International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1775-1787, 2019.
To download this package open the Julia REPL, enter the package manager (type ]
into the REPL) and run
add https://github.com/maxhcohen/CBFToolbox.jl.git
add https://github.com/maxhcohen/AdaptiveCBFToolbox.jl.git
Since this package heavily depends upon CBFToolbox.jl
, which is unregistered, AdaptiveCBFToolbox.jl
may have issues installing if CBFToolbox.jl
is not already installed in your current Julia environment. Even if CBFToolbox.jl
is already installed in your current environment, following the steps outlined above will make sure that its update-to-date and minimize potential conflicts between the two.
The usage of this package is similar to that of CBFToolbox.jl: we define a ControlAffineSystem
and a Controller
based on a ControlLyapunovFunction
, ControlBarrierFunction
, or both, and then run a simulation using a Simulation
object. This package integrates the new abstract types UncertainParameters
and UpdateLaw
into the previous workflow that allows for specifying unknown parameters of the underlying system and a parameter estimator to learn such parameters, respectively. The following code shows a simple example of the typical workflow.
# Import packages
using AdaptiveCBFToolbox
using LinearAlgebra
# Define system: planar double integrator
n = 4 # State dimension
m = 2 # Control dimension
f(x) = vcat(x[3:4], zeros(2)) # Nominal drift dynamics
g(x) = vcat(zeros(2,2), diagm(ones(2))) # Control directions
Σ = ControlAffineSystem(n, m, f, g) # Construct a control affine system
# Define uncertain parameters: friction coefficients
μ1 = 1.0
μ2 = 1.0
θ = [μ1, μ2]
# Bounds on each parameter
μ1bounds = [0.0, 3.0]
μ2bounds = [0.0, 3.0]
𝚯 = [μ1bounds, μ2bounds]
# Define the regressor function and construct a MatchedParameters object
φ(x) = -diagm(x[3:4])
P = MatchedParameters(θ, φ, 𝚯)
# Define a CLF and an adaptive CLF-QP controller for reaching the origin
Q = [2.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0]
V(x) = x'Q*x # Quadratic CLF candidate
γ(x) = V(x) # Function defining the rate of CLF decay V̇(x) ≤ -γ(x)
CLF = ControlLyapunovFunction(V, γ)
k0 = ACLFQuadProg(Σ, P, CLF) # adaptive CLF-QP controller
# Define update law associated with CLF
Γ = 1.0 # Learning rate
τCLF = CLFUpdateLaw(Γ, P, Σ, CLF) # Parameter estimation object
# Define history stack to store input-output data
Γc = 10.0
M = 20 # Number of entries in history stack
H = ICLHistoryStack(M, Σ, P)
# Define update law associated with data in history stack
dt = 0.5 # Sampling time used for data collection
Δt = 0.5 # Length of integration window
τ = ICLGradientUpdateLaw(Γc, dt, Δt, H) # Parameter estimation object
# Define safety constraints for two circular obstacles
xo1 = [-1.75, 2.0] # Center of obstacle
xo2 = [-1.0, 0.5]
ro1 = 0.5 # Radius of obstacle
ro2 = 0.5
h1(x) = norm(x[1:2] - xo1)^2 - ro1^2 # Distance to obstacle
h2(x) = norm(x[1:2] - xo2)^2 - ro2^2
# Construct HOCBFs for each obstacle and HO-RaCBF QP
α1(s) = s # Extended class K function
α2(s) = s
HOCBF1 = SecondOrderCBF(Σ, h1, α1, α2) # Relative degree 2 HOCBF
HOCBF2 = SecondOrderCBF(Σ, h2, α1, α2)
k = RACBFQuadProg(Σ, P, k0, HOCBFs) # Filter solution to CLF-QP through CBF-QP
# Initial conditions
x0 = [-2.5, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0]
θ̂0 = zeros(length(θ))
# Run simulation
T = 20.0
S = Simulation(T)
sol = S(Σ, P, k, τCLF, τ, x0, θ̂0)
The solution output from a simulation is simply a solution of an ODE generated by DifferentialEquations.jl. We can thus access the different indices of the solution object to plot results like the evolution of the system's position
or the estimates of the uncertain parameters
If you have any questions about the toolbox, have suggestions for improvements, or would like to make your own contribution to the toolbox feel free to raise an issue, make a pull request, or reach out to maxcohen@bu.edu.