`scanpy` docs bug still not resolved
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I was looking at the forked repo (that seems to be more up-to-date) and it seems to have a fix for this problematic Scanpy loading code, but it seems like the updated docs are not up yet in the actual Cell Browser. Can that be fixed?
import scanpy as sc
import pandas as pd
ad = sc.read_text("exprMatrix.tsv.gz")
meta = pd.read_csv("meta.tsv", sep="\t")
ad.var = meta
I'm referring to this webpage.
Also, I left this issue here because issues are disabled for the other repo, I think?
Thanks for fixing it!
Ah, no, I think all your documentation links point to the new repo, but when I noticed that I couldn't leave an issue in the new one, I clicked the "forked from maximilianh/CellBrowser
" in the top left corner. Apparently if you want to remove the forking relationship with the old repo, you have to submit a request (although it's pretty straightforward): https://ralphjsmit.com/unfork-github-repo
Well, I will note that the link to leave an issue here is to this repo, not the new one...