
This project aims to implement a reinfrcement learning agent using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). And given the Unity environment of the "Karting Microgame", it can be used to train a robust agent on multiple tracks which can compete against other implementations.

Primary LanguageASP.NET

3 Weights Without Biases - "Autonome Systeme Praktikum" at LMU summer-term 2023

This project aims to implement an agent using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). And given the Unity environment of the "Karting Microgame", it can be used to train a robust agent on multiple tracks which can compete against other groups/implementations.


Zora Wurm, Max Erler, Sophia Schubert


Project structure



This package provides functionalities to conduct highly configurable and verifiable experiments with the karting_challenge_rl package (see below). Usage like in scripts/run_experiment.py script.


This package provides functionalities to learn reinforcement learning agents in preconfigured Unity Karting Microgame tracks as environments. Currently, this only includes our own reimplementation of PPO, the implementation of PPO of stable-baselines3 and a randomly acting agent for comparison reasons.

Due to the high extensibility of our package, other natively implemented or pre-implemented reinforcement learning algorithms can be easily added. Also, other environments can be integrated to compare the algorithms' performances cross-environmental.



This script is used to conduct experiments with the karting_challenge_experiment package (see below for usage).


This script is used to create means of multiple experiment results, e.g. to evaluate a specific configuration across multiple seeds (see below for usage). Moreover, it is used to create comparison plots of multiple experiment results.

Functionalities / Features

The project provides the following features for conducting experiments:

Nr. Feature Sample Config How to use
1 Training PPO from scratch + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-train-PPO.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
2 Training PPO with pre-trained model weights + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-retrain-PPO.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
3 Evaluating a pre-trained PPO model + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-eval-PPO.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
4 Training PPO-sb3 from scratch + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-train-PPO-sb3.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
5 Training PPO-sb3 with pre-trained model weights + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-retrain-PPO-sb3.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
6 Evaluating a pre-trained PPO-sb3 model ./configs/sample-config-eval-PPO-sb3.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
7 Collecting "training" data of a random agent + results plotting ./configs/sample-config-random.yml see Experiment Configuration and Experiment Execution
8 Create averaged results of multiple experiment results (e.g. different seeds) no initial config needed, just experiment results see Experiment Comparison
9 Plot results of multiple experiments in one figure no initial config needed, just experiment results and optionally averaged results see Experiment Comparison

PPO := our PPO implementation
PPO-sb3 := stable-baselines3 PPO implementation
random := random agent / choice

How to use

Requirements / Setup

Meet the requirements described in the prerequisites above. Create a new conda environment with environment.yml to have the correct versions of used packages.

conda env create -f environment.yml

Experiment Configuration

All parts of the following 'sample' config can be adjusted.

mode: train # (train / eval)
  level: 20 # CRITICAL = 50, ERROR = 40, WARNING = 30, INFO = 20, DEBUG = 10, NOTSET = 0
  format: "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s"
experiment_path: ./experiments/my-sunny-sunday-experiments

# define environment
  # modifications of track
  tracks_base_path: ./builds/training/KartingChallenge
  track_ids: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] # random / 1 / 2 / ... / n --> list [1, 66, 500], or single one 1
  seed: 42
  time_scale: 10 # <= 10 due to physics engine of unity

# define the rl agent (using the above environment)
  train_rollouts: 250 # the number of total training timesteps is calculated as follows: # train_rollouts * # n_steps
  log_interval: 10 # (in rollouts) only refers to logging to the console
  save_model_interval: 10 # (in rollouts) refers to saving .pt and .onnx files of the model(s)
  save_stats_interval: 10 # (in rollouts) refers to saving .json files with the rollout data

  eval_interval: 50 # (in rollouts) refers to testing the trained model without updating the gradients
  eval_rollouts: 10 # the number of total evaluation timesteps is calculated as follows: # eval_rollouts * # n_steps

  # define model with its specific parameters
    name: PPO # our PPO implementation
    device: auto # (cuda / cpu / auto)
      additional_learnable_actions: [ "acceleration", "breaking" ] # "steering" is always learned, "acceleration" or "breaking" can be additionally learned (empty list or None if only "steering is the goal")
      cov_mat_diag: 2.0 # FLOAT!!!
      cov_decay_mechanism: exp # lin or exp or static
      cov_decay_rate: 0.01
      cov_end_val: 0.000001
      policy: MlpPolicy
      learning_rate: 0.0003 # reference value from sb3
      gamma: 0.99 # reference value from sb3
      n_steps: 4096 # max number of timesteps of an episode (reference value from tutors and sb3)
      n_epochs: 20 # number of backward passes per update (reference value from sb3)
      obs_size: 48 # vector size of an observation / state
      hidden_dim: 64 # size of hidden dimension
      clip_range: 0.4 # clipping of the policy / actor loss (reference value from sb3)
      pretrained_path: # empty if start from scratch

A config-YAML can be chosen from the configs-folder.

Experiment Execution

# general syntax
python scripts/run_experiment.py --conf configs/<CONFIG-NAME>.yml

# example
python scripts/run_experiment.py --conf configs/sample-config-train-PPO.yml

Experiment Comparison

# general syntax
python scripts/compare_plotter.py [--create_mean] --conf_paths {<CONFIG-PATH>} --file_name <FILE_NAME>

# example to create a mean of the experiment results associated with the given configuration paths
python scripts/compare_plotter.py --create_mean --conf_paths "./experiment-results/improvement-experiments/exp-7/2023-07-03-22-50-26/sample-config-train-PPO-seed-42-cov_decay_rate-0.001.yml" "./experiment-results/improvement-experiments/exp-9/2023-07-04-06-18-56/sample-config-train-PPO-seed-100-cov_decay_rate-0.001.yml" "./experiment-results/improvement-experiments/exp-11/2023-07-04-18-26-39/sample-config-train-PPO-seed-200-cov_decay_rate-0.001.yml" --file_name "averaged-exp7-exp9-exp11"

# example to create a comparison plot of the before averaged results with our best config
python scripts/compare_plotter.py --conf_paths "./scripts/mean_standard_config.csv" "./scripts/mean_averaged-exp7-exp9-exp11.csv" --file_name "comparison-mean-exp7-exp9-exp11-with-best"

Example Output

Sample Comparison Plot

Related Work

John Schulman, Filip Wolski, Prafulla Dhariwal, Alec Radford, Oleg Klimov – Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms