
This repository describes the information needed to build a five-stage RISC-V pipelined core, which has the upport of base interger RV32I instruction format and Multiplication instruction format using Nmigen.


RISC-V has been designed to support extensive customization and specialization. The base integer ISA can be extended with one or more optional instruction-set extensions, but the base integer instructions cannot be redefined. We have implemented the Multiplication extension of the same, taking into consideration stalling, forwarding and branching for optimized utilisation of the space and clock cycles.\

RISC-V base instruction format is shown below : Image


Design Description

  1. This is a 5 stage pipelined processor based on RISCV architecture, which supports Integer arithematic operations and has been extended to accomodate Multiplication set of instructions as well.
  2. The processor has been coded in Nmigen library of Python. This has been done because Python is very easy to understand. The Nmigen code can be converted to Verilog by 2 commands, which are stated ahead.
  3. The 5 stages in the processor are - fetch, decode, execute, memory, writeback. All the stages are integrated using a Wrapper module.
  4. This is a 32 bit processor with 1024 memory locations of both instruction memory and data memory.
  5. It includes implementation of stall, forwarding and branching conditions while taking care of majority of the corner cases by performing extensive program testing. Several C programs have been converted to RISCV assembly using the RISCV GNU Toolchain and have been tested on the processor code with successful results. The C programs range from a simple ADD program (c=a+b) to a merge sort program for sorting 7 numbers.
  6. Few of the many RV32I base instruction set descriptions can be found in the screenshot below: //image of the riscv instruction set//


We plan to use the processor to build a full-fleged System on Chip design. This can be used to build a RISCduino if the correct and compatible peripherals are integrated with the processor. The RISCV procossor will be the core of the micro-controller.

Block Diagram


Tool installation Details

iVerilog :

Icarus Verilog is an implementation of the Verilog hardware description language.

GTKWave :

GTKWave is a VCD waveform viewer based on the GTK library. This viewer support VCD and LXT formats for signal dumps. Waveform dumps are written by the Icarus Verilog runtime program vvp. The user uses $dumpfile and $dumpvars system tasks to enable waveform dumping, then the vvp runtime takes care of the rest.

To download iVerilog and GTKWave in Ubuntu, use the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install iverilog gtkwave

Nmigen :

Despite being faster than schematics entry, hardware design with Verilog and VHDL remains tedious and inefficient for several reasons. Nmigen enables hardware designers to take advantage of the richness of the Python language—object oriented programming, function parameters, generators, operator overloading, libraries, etc.—to build well organized, reusable and elegant designs.
To install Nmigen, follow the steps in the Robert Baruch Nmigen Installation repository.

GNU Toolchain :

The GNU Toolchain is a set of programming tools in Linux systems that programmers can use to make and compile their code to produce a program or library. So, here we use the RISCV GNU Toolchain to generate the RISCV Assembly for any C code.
RISCV GNU Toolchain can be installed from this repository.

Functional Simulation

Run the following commands on terminal to run the verilog file with testbench to get a .vcd file output:

1. python3 Wrapper_class.py>wrapper.v  
2. iverilog wrapper.v test.v 
3. ./a.out 
4. gtkwave test.vcd



Functional characteristics



  1. Instruction Fetch: IF module takes Program Counter as Input from Wrapper module and gives out the 32-bit Instruction which will be forwarded to the Decode stage for processing.
  2. Decode (ID): RV32IM has 7 types of instructions namely R, I, S, B, U, J, and M types differentiated by opcodes. According to each type, the source register, destination register and/or immediate field are extracted from the instruction. The extracted data is passed to Execute Stage.
  3. Execute: Execute stage performs arithmetic and logical operations based on the opcode. Ra, Rb and/or sign-extended immediate field will be the parameters of the EX stage.
  4. Memory File: Memory is accessed in this stage if required. This stage is accessed only by the load and the store instruction to extract or stare data into the memory. For load instruction, it loads an operand from the memory and for the store instruction, it would store an operand into the memory.
  5. Register File: The register file stores the data of all the registers of the processor. It is accessed in the ID stage and in the Write-back stage to extract data from the registers and to write to them. Data is written in the positive half of the cycle so that we read the updated data in the negative half of the clock cycle. We write data in the positive half of the cycle so that we read the updated data in the negative half of the clock cycle.


The wrapper module connects the 5 stages and makes the processor work. It can be majorly divided into 4 units.

  1. Control Unit: The control unit interlinks all 5 stages by connecting the outputs of one stage to the inputs of the other stage. It manages the communication of control signals to all other stages. The control signals determine how to process input data.
  2. Forwarding Unit: Forwarding unit helps to reduce the overall CPI (clock cycles per instruction) of the processor. To accommodate this dependencies, the forwarding unit passes the data from the stage where it is available to the stage where it is required.
  3. Stalling Unit: The functionality of this unit is to wait when there are dependencies between the instructions. It introduces NOP instruction between the instructions which have dependencies.
  4. Flushing Unit: As this is a pipelined processor, by the time when the branching condition is checked in the EX stage, 2 instructions are already fetched. If the branch is taken, which is decided at the start of the MEM stage, the 3 fetched instructions need to be flushed out by the Flushing unit so that unnecessary changes are not made to the memory or register file.

The processor has been tested on several C programs, providing the correct output. The complete testing process has been expalined in this document.


Yosys installation for Ubuntu

  1. Clone the this GitHub repository.
  2. Execute the following set of commands
1. make
2. sudo apt install make
3. sudo apt-get install build-essential clang bison flex \
    libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git \
    graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev \
    libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev
4 . make
5. sudo make install.

Steps for generating the netlist

  1. Clone this GitHub repository
  2. Change the yosys_run.sh script with your design.
  3. Check the reference script in this repo.
  4. Type yosys in the terminal which opens an interactive command shell.
  5. Execute the following command which synthesizes your design and generates a gate-level netlist.
script yosys_run.sh
  1. We can view the statistics of the netlist by typing "stat".

Screenshots of the statistics of our design iiitb_riscv32im5

Image Image

  1. To test the post synthesis design execute the following commands
iverilog -DFUNCTIONAL -DUNIT_DELAY=#1 synth_riscv.v iiitb_riscv_tb.v primitives.v sky130_fd_sc_hd.v
gtkwave test.vcd

Post synthesis simulation


  • We can observe that the simulation results are same as before synthesis.

Advanced Physical Design using OpenLane/Sky130 Workshop simulations and Results

Docker Installation

$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc (removes older version of docker if installed)
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    gnupg \
$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
$ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
$ echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null  
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
$ apt-cache madison docker-ce (copy the version string you want to install)
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce=<VERSION_STRING> docker-ce-cli=<VERSION_STRING> containerd.io docker-compose-plugin (paste the version string copies in place of <VERSION_STRING>)
$ sudo docker run hello-world (If the docker is successfully installed u will get a success message here)

OpenLane Installation

$ git clone https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane.git
$ cd OpenLane/
$ make
$ make test

Magic Installation

For proper installation and workig of Magic, the following softwares have to be installed first:

Installing csh

$ sudo apt-get install csh

Installing x11/xorg

$ sudo apt-get install x11
$ sudo apt-get install xorg
$ sudo apt-get install xorg openbox

Installing GCC

$ sudo apt-get install gcc

Installing build-essential

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential

Installing OpenGL

$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

Installing tcl/tk

$ sudo apt-get install tcl-dev tk-dev

Installing magic

After all the softwares are installed, run the following commands for installing magic:

$ git clone https://github.com/RTimothyEdwards/magic
$ cd magic
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

Klayout Installation

$ sudo apt-get install klayout

ngspice Installation

$ sudo apt-get install ngspice

Creating a Custom Inverter Cell

Open Terminal in the folder you want to create the custom inverter cell and run the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/nickson-jose/vsdstdcelldesign.git
$ cd vsdstdcelldesign
$  cp ./libs/sky130A.tech sky130A.tech
$ magic -T sky130A.tech sky130_inv.mag &


To extract Spice netlist, Type the following commands in tcl window.

% extract all
% ext2spice cthresh 0 rthresh 0
% ext2spice

"cthresh 0 rthresh 0" is used to extract parasitic capacitances from the cell. Image

Open the terminal in the directory where ngspice is stored and type the following command to open the ngspice console:

$ ngspice sky130_inv.spice 


Now plot the graphs for the designed inverter model using the following command:

plot y vs time a


Rise time and Fall time

Four timing parameters are used to characterize the inverter standard cell:

  1. Rise time: Time taken for the output to rise from 20% of max value to 80% of max value
Rise time = (2.2 - 2.1) = 100ps
  1. Fall time- Time taken for the output to fall from 80% of max value to 20% of max value
Fall time = (4.066 - 4.0) = 66ps
  1. Cell rise delay = time(50% output rise) - time(50% input fall)
Cell rise delay = (2.150 - 2.076) = 74ps
  1. Cell fall delay = time(50% output fall) - time(50% input rise)
Cell fall delay = (4.0 - 3.983) = 17ps

Layout using OpenLane

The layout is generated using OpenLane. To run a custom design on OpenLane, navigate to the openlane folder and run the following commands:

$ cd designs
$ mkdir iiitb_riscv32im5
$ cd iiitb_riscv32im5
$ mkdir src
$ touch config.json
$ cd src
$ touch iiitb_riscv32im5.v

The iiitb_riscv32im5.v file should contain the verilog RTL code you have used and got the post synthesis simulation for.

Copy "sky130_fd_sc_hd__fast.lib", "sky130_fd_sc_hd__slow.lib", "sky130_fd_sc_hd__typical.lib" and "sky130_vsdinv.lef" files to src folder in your design.

Final src folder should look like this:


The contents of the config.json are as follows:

    "DESIGN_NAME": "top",
    "VERILOG_FILES": "dir::src/iiitb_riscv.v",
    "CLOCK_PORT": "clk",
    "CLOCK_NET": "clk",
    "CLOCK_PERIOD": 10,
    "FP_SIZING" : "relative",
    "pdk::sky130*": {
        "FP_CORE_UTIL": 30,
        "scl::sky130_fd_sc_hd": {
            "FP_CORE_UTIL": 20
    "LIB_SYNTH": "dir::src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__typical.lib",
    "LIB_FASTEST": "dir::src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__fast.lib",
    "LIB_SLOWEST": "dir::src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__slow.lib",
    "LIB_TYPICAL": "dir::src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__typical.lib",  
    "TEST_EXTERNAL_GLOB": "dir::../iiitb_riscv32im5/src/*"

Navigate to the openlane folder in terminal and give the following command :

$ make mount (or use sudo as prefix)


After entering the openlane container give the following command:

$ ./flow.tcl -interactive


This command will take you into the tcl console. In the tcl console type the following commands:

% package require openlane 0.9
% prep -design iiitb_riscv32im5


The following commands are to merge external the lef files to the merged.nom.lef. In our case sky130_vsdiat is getting merged to the lef file

set lefs [glob $::env(DESIGN_DIR)/src/*.lef]
add_lefs -src $lefs


% run_synthesis


Synthesis Reports

Details of all the gates used:


Chip Area and VSDINV cells:



% run_floorplan


Floorplan Reports

Die Area:


Core Area:



% run_placement


Clock Tree Synthesis

% run_cts


All the steps

Image Image Image

We can open the def file and view the layout after the routing process by the following command:

$ magic -T /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.tech read ../../tmp/merged.nom.lef def read top.def &

NOTE - One command for the entire flow

All the steps will be automated and all the files will be generated.

$ ./flow.tcl -design iiitb_riscv32im

We can open the mag file and view the layout after the whole process by the following command:

$ magic -T /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.tech top.mag &

Results post-layout

1. Post Layout synthesis gate count


**Gate Count = **

2. Area (box command)


**Area = 1.34 mm2

3. Performance

Commands to be run in terminal:

Change these commands according to your machine

$ sta 

OpenSTA> read_liberty -max /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/designs/iiitb_riscv32im5/src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__fast.lib 

OpenSTA> read_liberty -min /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/designs/iiitb_riscv32im5/src/sky130_fd_sc_hd__slow.lib 

OpenSTA> read_verilog /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/designs/iiitb_riscv32im5/runs/RUN_2022.09.28_04.59.39/results/routing/top.resized.v 

OpenSTA> link_design top

OpenSTA> read_sdc /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/designs/iiitb_riscv32im5/runs/RUN_2022.09.28_04.59.39/results/cts/top.sdc 

OpenSTA> read_spef /home/ubuntu/OpenLane/designs/iiitb_riscv32im5/runs/RUN_2022.09.28_04.59.39/results/routing/top.nom.spef 

OpenSTA> set_propagated_clock [all_clocks] 

OpenSTA> report_checks 

Image Image **Performance = 1/(clock period - slack) = 1/(30ns - 10.86ns) = 52.2 Mhz

4. Flop/standard cell ratio


**Flop Ratio = Ratio of total number of flip flops / Total number of cells present in the design = 2958/25594 = 0.115

5. Power (internal, switching, leakage and total)


**Internal Power = 7.45mW (73%)
**Switching Power = 2.76mW (27%)
**Leakage Power = 130nW (0.0%)
**Total Power = 10.2mW (100%)


  • Mayank Kabra, Student, IIIT Bangalore
  • Asmita Zjigyasu, Student, IIIT Bangalore
  • Saketh Gajawada, Student, IIIT Bangalore
  • Yathin Kumar, Student, IIIT Bangalore
  • Oishi Seth, Student, IIIT Bangalore


  • Kunal Ghosh, Director, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd.

Contact Information
