
Stack of Task(SOT) Controller

Primary LanguagePython


Author: Nirmal Giftsun

##Description sot_robot is a ROS based real time controller which loads 'Stack of Tasks' to perform Hierarchical Task Function based Control ##Installation on ubuntu-12.04 with ros-hydro

To install all the packages on ubuntu 12.04 LTS, you should do the following steps:

  1. install by apt-get (see http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/Ubuntu) - ros-hydro-desktop-full, - ros-hydro-pr2-robot, - ros-hydro-libccd, - ros-hydro-srdfdom, - urdfdom - urdfdom_headers - ros-hydro-robot_model - ros-hydro-pr2-controllers - ros-hydro-ros-control - git

  2. Choose a directory on you file system and define the environment variable DEVEL_DIR with the full path to this directory.

    • the packages will be cloned into $DEVEL_DIR/src,
    • the packages will be installed in $DEVEL_DIR/install. It is recommanded to set variable DEVEL_DIR in your .bashrc for future use.
  3. Copy Config and Makefile from scripts/installation

  4. cd into $DEVEL_DIR and type

source config.sh
  1. cd into $DEVEL_DIR/src and type
make all


  roslaunch sot_robot sot_ur_bringup_sim.launch

  roslaunch sot_robot spawn_ur_controller.launch

  rosrun rviz rviz
  • Start the python interactor

    rosrun dynamic_graph_bridge run_command
  • Run the following. sot.initializeRobot() sot.startRobot() sot.posture_feature.posture.feature.value = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

    The first six elements are x,y,z,r,p,y followed by six joints of the ur5 arm.

  • Verify if the joint values manifest in rviz